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Agriculture Tools
2 Products availableAgricultural Equipment
2 Products availableDrilling Bits, Chucks & Collets
1 Products availablePumps, Pumping Machines & Parts
1 Products availableWheel Rim
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1 Products availableEarthmoving Machines
1 Products availableEnd Loader
1 Products availableThresher
1 Products available
Captain tractors pvt. Ltd., previously known as asha exim pvt ltd, was established in 1994 by the visionary farmer brothers mr. G.t.patel and mr.m.t.patel of rajkot. The founders sensed the need of small & medium farmers for farm mechanization & the difficulty faced by them in owning a regular tractor. Thus in order to serve these small & mid-sized farmers’ needs we are into market with superior range of tractors & equipment.
Our range includes
mini tractors,
compact tractors,
garden tractors,
small tractors,
Basic Information