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2 Products availablePlant Growth Stimulant
1 Products availableTermiticide
1 Products availableWe offer a complete product range of SODIUM SALT Weedicides, AMINESALT Herbicides, ATRAZINE Herbicides, MATRIBUZIN Herbicides and Pendimethalin Herbicides
Suspendis herbicides product based on 80% of active ingredients of 2, 4-Dichloro Phynoxy Acetic in soluble powder form in which sodium salt is present. Suspendis a selective herbicide and controls broad leaved weeds, edges and germinating grass seedling in crops liked wheat, maize, citrus and grapes.
Captureis a selective herbicide effective against broad leaved, weeds in sorghum, maize, wheat, aquatic weeds, potatoes & non-cropped area.
Polaris a herbicides which is contains 50% WP. Atrazine active ingredient and balance adjuvant.Polaris use on
Maize and Sugarcane crop.
Affordis a selective herbicide recommended for the control of Phalaris minor Chenopodium album, melilotus Spp. of wheat and Cyperus campestris, Eragrostis Spp, Digitaria Spp, Cyperus Esculentus, Borreria SP, weeds in soybean crops.
Pendimethalin is recommended to control phalaris minor, Chenopodium Album, Portulaca oleracea on wheat and echinocholoa clolonum echinochloa, clolonum echinochloa crusgalli, euphorbia hirta, amaranthus viridis, eleusine indica, trianthema Spp., Portulaca oleacea fimbrisylis maliaeceae, marsila quadrifoliata, altarmanthus sessilis of paddy cotton and Soyabean.