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Testing Equipment

Our offered Product range includes Tablet Hardness Tester, Disintegration Tester, Suppository Disintegration Tester, Tablet Disintegration Tester and Portable Hardness Tester.

Tablet Hardness Tester

Hold the Tablet between the jaw and nozzle in edgewise position, Adjust the Scale (by sliding), so that the zero on the Scale coincides with the pointer, Turn the screw knob slowly till the tablet breakes. The pressure indicated on the dial is in Kilogram per sq. cm, Never keep the spring under Tension, when not in use.
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Disintegration Tester

  • Temperature 25.0˚C to 40.0˚C
  • Accuracy Better than ± 0.3˚C
  • Timer range 0.1˚C
  • Weight Net 27 Kgs
TD 20S is result of our commitment to give economical, fully calibrated solution in quality assurance for Tablet Testing.TD 20S is micro controller based stepper motor driven technology for smooth and perfect operation to meet the specifications of USP, IP, DAB and EUR pharmacopoeia. This tester can be used for testing the disintegration time of tablets, capsules and other solid dosage forms.
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Suppository Disintegration Tester

  • Display 40 X 4 line, back-lit LCD
Campbell Electronics has been pioneers in Laboratory Testing Instruments for pharmaceuticals Industries. Our emphasis has been on the continuous development and upgrading the product using latest technology to make instruments more accurate and user friendly. Campbell Electronics has launched new Disintegration Tester for suppositories DSP series represents the very latest in tablet testing technology. Excellent production techniques combined with modern microprocessor design guarantee the highest standards of performance and reliability. All dissolution testers meets the latest specifications as laid down in the USP, EP and associated pharmacopoeia.
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Tablet Disintegration Tester

  • Temperature 25.0˚C to 40.0˚C
  • Power 220 / 230 / AC 50 Hz, 450W 100/110V/AC 50 Hz (on Request)
  • Dimension 350mm W x 350mm D x 460mm H.
TD 2 is result of our commitment to give economical, fully calibrated solution in quality assurance for Tablet Testing. TD 2 is micro controller based stepper motor driven technology for smooth and perfect operation to meet the specifications of USP, IP, DAB and EUR pharmacopoeia. This tester can used for testing the disintegration time of tablets, capsules and other solid dosage forms.
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Portable Hardness Tester

Campbell electronics portable digital hardness tester model HT-30/50 is designed to replace the non-digital, troublesome and expensive handheld hardness tester in the market. HT-30/50 allows measuring the hardness either in Kilopond, Newton, Strong Cobb or in Pounds.

Placing the sample on platform and rotating the knob on lead screw manually, pressure will be applied. The applied pressure is monitored electronically by microcontroller and the value is recognized, registered and displayed at the moment of breakage of the sample. The hardness value will be displayed on four digit LED display, same can be viewed in alternative unit (Kp/N/Lb/Sc) by simply pressing one soft membrane key on control panel. Calibration can be carried out at location and requires only few minutes. Using the optional calibration kit (Certified 5kg weight and its holder) user can easily calibrate the instrument when ever required. Optional serial printer port / PC connectivity is also available.


Very compact, simple & Easy to operate.

Cost Effective

Selectable units of measurement-kilopond (kp), Newton (N), pounds (lb or Lbf) and strong cobb (sc)

Microprocessor based reading of measurement.

Easy to calibrate.

Hardness Range HT-50 5 N to 500 N
HT-30 3 N to 300 N
Accuracy 0.1 N
Resolution 0.1 N/0.01 Kp
Tablet size HT-30 Up to 25 mm
  HT-50 Up to 50 mm
Display 4 Digit LED display, Indicator for selecting units
Dimension 285X110X110 mm approx
Power AC adaptor 9V DC/500 mA/230V AC/50Hz/1P
  Batteries 9V DC
Other models Available HT-30P/HT-50P with serial printer port / PC connectivity.
  IQ/OQ Documents available
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Motorised Tablet Hardness Tester

DHT-150 uses an load cell with strain measuring gauge with micro controller Based circuit to give accurate results & quick response. The stainless steel test jaw is driven by stepper motor. Calibration kit & software specially developed to calibrate this unit by customer himself. The linearity of system can also be checked by using weight & using verify mode.

The tablets are placed manually, one after the other, into the test zone of the instrument. The top-loading jaw design accommodates any shape and size of the tablet with out changing any alternative / additional jaws.


Compact, space saving and with advanced microprocessor design yet economical price.
Accurately measures the hardness of the tablet.
Menu driven operation together with pc compatible keyboard and 20 X 4 character LCD Display makes operation simple.
Unit of Hardness in Newton (N), Kilopond (Kp), Strong Cobb (Sc) and User Defined (UD).
Precise positioning of sample accommodates any shape tablet up to 36mm Diameter (Length).
50 different product recipes can be created stored and recalled.
Settable sample size up to 100 Sample size per test.
Simple & easy calibration and / or verification (Validation) with certified 5 Kg weight.
Various reports can be generated
Supports dot matrix / desk jet / laser Jet.
IQ /OQ Documentation.

Display 20X4 LC Display with backlit
Operation Through front operating panel and PC compatible Keyboard for entering the product information
Parameter Allowed Range   Units of Measurement
Hardness 3 to 500 N   N, Kp, Sc, UD (User Defined)
Interfaces Standard   PC Compatible Keyboard for entering product information, Parallel Printer Interface
Accessories Standard   Parallel Printer Interface cable, Mains cord, Calibration kit, Tablet Debris collection tray, Cleaning Brush, Operating Manual.
  Optional   Certified hardened chrome plated brass bullion weight 5Kg for Hardness calibration.
    Certified hardened chrome plated brass bullion weight 10Kg for Hardness verification.
    Epson LX300 dot Matrix printer.
    IQ/OQ Documents available
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Tablet Tester With Three Parameter

The tablets are placed manually, one after the other, into the test zone of the instrument. The top-loading jaw design accommodates any shape and size of the tablet with out changing any alternative / additional jaws.

Create Recipe feature reduce the pre-test settings thus saves user time. While creating the recipe one can feed the nominal values; plausible limits by setting tolerances -T2, -T1. +T1 & + T2; units of measurement for all parameters of the product. Up to 50 recipes can be created and stored. When test started it prompts to select the recipe, the selected recipe information will be loaded to perform the test. Sample size can be set from 1 to 100 for each parameter independently per test. User friendly menu driven operation through PC compatible key board makes the operator comfortably go with instrument at minimum period of self-training. After completion of the test, user can view the test results on monitor like large 20x4 character LC display. After completion of the test a comprehensive test report is generated & stored in memory and it can be only printed as and when required number of copies, once new test started the previous test report will be erased and same will be prompted on the display. Test report comprise of instrument information, User information, Product information, Test Information, Statistics and Test Data. In addition to the Test Report

Calibration / Verification of Hardness parameter can easily be performed in lab any time using supplied calibration kit and optional certified weight. Calibration can be carried out (in-house) and required only few minutes. The compact space saving design includes removable stainless steel / acrylic tray along with cleaning brush, to neatly retrieve the tablet debris.


Compact space saving and with advance microprocessor design yet economical price.
Accurately measures the thickness, diameter (Accuracy 0.02mm) and hardness (Accuracy 10gm) of the tablet.
Menu driven operation Through front operating panel and PC compatible Keyboard for entering the product information.
Unit of Hardness in Newton (N), Kilopond (Kp), Strong Cobb (Sc) and User Defined (UD).
Precise positioning of sample accommodates any shape tablet up to 36mm Diameter (length).
50 different product recipes can be created stored and recalled.
Simple & easy calibration and / or verification (Validation) with optional certified 10mm gauge block for distance parameter and 5Kg weight for hardness parameter.
RS232 interface for connecting with PC. Parallel Printer Interface
Various reports can be generated.
Supports dot matrix / deskJet / laserJet
IQ /OQ Documentation.

Display 20 X 4 LC Display with backlit
Operation Through front operating panel and PC compatible Keyboard for entering the product information
Parameter Allowed Range Units of Measurement
Thickness upto 20 mm Millimeters / inches
Diameter upto 45 mm Millimeters / inches
Hardness 3 to 500 N N, Kp, Sc, UD (User Defined)
Interfaces Standard PC Compatible Keyboard and Parallel Printer Interface
  Optional PC interface
Accessories Standard Parallel Printer Interface cable, Mains cord, In-built calibration kit, Tablet Debris collection tray, Cleaning Brush, Operating   Manual.
  Optional Certified hardened chrome plated brass bullion weight 5Kg for hardness calibration.
Certified hardened chrome plated brass bullion weight 10Kg for hardness verification.
Certified stainless steel gauge block 10mm for distance parameter calibration.
Certified stainless steel gauge blocks for verification of distance parameters - 5, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40mm
Epson LX300 dot Matrix printer.
    IQ/OQ Documents available
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Tablet Hardness Tester Monsanto Type

Campbell Electronics handy Hardness Tester Model MHT-20 is designed to use in QC / QA / R & D / Tableting / Production, in-process etc. for taking quick readings of Hardness Of Tablets. It measures Hardness in Kg per sq. cm. It is made of brass parts heavily chromium plated and has a scale of 0-20 kg. Per sq. cm. with each division.

Operating Instructions
Hold the Tablet between the jaw and nozzle in edgewise position.
Adjust the Scale (by sliding), so that the zero on the Scale coincides with the pointer.
Turn the screw knob slowly till the tablet breakes. The pressure indicated on the dial is in Kilogram per sq. cm.
Never keep the spring under Tension, when not in use.
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Digital Friabilator

Campbell Electronics new Tablet Friability Testers are designed to replace the bulky, troublesome and expensive models in the market. Friabilator has now become an accepted standard throughout the pharmaceutical industry for determining the resistance of tablets to the abrasion and shock experienced in manufacturing, packing and shipping operations. Campbell Electronics friabilators FT-20 is designed in accordance with the specifications as laid down in USP and other pharmacopoeia. The standard FT-20 operates at a constant speed of 25 RPM 1. Can be used to run the test either one or two friability drums / one or two abrasion drums. These models can also be used with one friability drum and one abrasion drum for making comparisons between the two parameters under identical test conditions.


Complies to USP and other pharmacopoeias.
Compact, Simple & Easy to Operate.
Cost Effective.
Supports friability drum with single scoop (standard), friability drum with double scoop and abrasion drum.
Auto discharge of tablets after friability test with single scoop friability drum.
Dual mode of operation timer mode or revolution count mode.
20X4 LC Display with backlit & 7 key operating panel allows alphanumeric entries to enter information about product (product name, number, batch number) & user (name of the user and comments).
Selectable types of operation with Friability test, Abrasion (Attrition) test with single or double drums.
10 tilt facility
Easy to validate.
Calculation of percentage weight loss and displays the results of selected test type
Power failure prompt to discard or continue the test

Display 20 X 4 LC Display with backlit
 RPM 25 Fixed
Mode Dual mode Timer / Rotation
Interfaces Not Applicable
Accessories Standard Two Friability Drums, Operating Manual, Mains cord
  Optional Abrasion Drum
Dimensions 250 mm x 250 mm x 250 mm Approx.
  IQ/OQ Documents available
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