Our Products
Our product range contains a wide range of Dry Ginger Herbal Powder, Unpolished Brown Rice, Unpolished Foxtail Millet, Unpolished Barnyard Millet and unpolished black rice- karuppu kavuni
Foxtail Millethave a sweet, bitter taste. This is a balanced food apart from having 8% of fiber. It has 12% of protein. Its a good food for diabetic patients. It reduces the cholesterol content . It is rich in antioxidants. There is a lot of fiber, protein, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins and therefore they are good for children and pregnant women. This grain helps prevent constipation.When children suffer from high fever, sometimes they have seizures, which are permanent, sometimes. Foxtail millet has the capacity to drive away these seizures, weakness of the nerves. It acts like medicine for those who suffer from stomachache and burning sensation while urinating, diarrhea and lack of hunger. As it is rich in proteins and iron it is a good medicine for anemia. As there is a lot of fiber, it gets rid of constipation. Back in the villages, elders used to say from their experience that if you take foxtail millet gruel and take rest then we get rid of fever. Eating foxtail millet is good for girls who suffer from heart ailments, anemia, obesity, arthritis, bleeding and burns. Foxtail millet cleanses the Lungs and helps prevent lungs cancer. This gets rid of convulsions and also useful to get rid of some kinds of skin diseases, mouth cancer, abdominal cancer, Parkinsons disease and asthma (along with Kodo millet).
Barnyard Millet are sweet in taste. This is good for thyroid and pancreas. They help in getting rid of diabetes and constipation as there is lot of fiber in this millet and in cleaning up liver, kidney, gallbladder and good for endocrinal glands. They also help in reducing jaundice and help in strengthening liver. After getting rid of cancer, jaundice they are also helpful in reducing the cancer of ovaries, uterus. This millet gives strength and is easily digestible. This food maintains body temperature. It improves the resistance capacity of the body. This is very good food for those who work for long hours in stationary position without much physical labor. The food made of this millet protects us from ulcer-formation in small intestine and the cancer of large intestine liver and spleen
Dry Ginger Herbal powderCafeidly Healthy & Natural Sukku Malli(dry ginger herbal) powderExcellent Home Remedy For Cold, Cough, Indigestion, Headache, Sore ThroatIngredients: Dry Ginger, Pepper , Cumin, Cinnamon, Cardamom, coriander Seeds, ClovesInstructions:Boil water, add cafeidly sukku coffee powder, give a quick stir.Add jaggery, crystallized palm sugar and mix well. Allow it to boil for 3-5 mins.Then strain through metal strainer and serve hot Sukku Coffee.
Unpolished Brown Rice or Hand pound natural rice .
Unpolished Brown Rice has a higher content of proteins, lipids, dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals. Can replace your normal polished rice in regular daily use. The rice is milled where the bran is fully intact.
Brown rice is a whole grain rice with the inedible outer hull removed. This kind of rice sheds its outer hull or husk but the bran and germ layer remain on, constituting the brown or tan colour of rice. White rice is the same grain without the hull, the bran layer, and the cereal germ.
* Brown rice has a shelf life of approximately 6 months, but hermetic storage, refrigeration or freezing can significantly extend its lifetime. Freezing, even periodically, can also help control infestations of Indian meal moths.
* Brown rice generally needs longer cooking times than white rice, unless it is broken or flour blasted (which perforates the bran without removing it). Studies by Gujral and Kumar in 2003 estimated a cooking time between 35 and 51 minutes.
The action of pounding removes the husk & turns paddy into edible rice.
The bran and germ, the two outer layers of brown rice, contain most of the vitamins and minerals in the grain. Those layers get removed when manufacturers make white rice, and thats why brown rice is the healthier choice.Hand Pound Brown Rice contains selenium. Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer.
It boosts bodys immune system; It provides the body with the nutrients it needs and the power to fight infections. Thus, this variant is better for well-being as compared to the processed rice.
Our brown rice has a nutty and crunchy texture after cooking.
Unpolished Black Rice - Forbidden Rice - Karuppu KavuniOnce called the forbidden rice, black rice is now cultivated all over the country, but in relatively lesser amounts. It is a rich source of proteins, vitamins, and other essential nutrients.Due to its rich flavour and colour, it was considered food for royalty in Asian history. As a result, it became exclusive food for wealthier groups. Later, it lost popularity and got the name forbidden rice.High anti-oxidant properties, High Anthocyanin content -Anthocyaninsare pigments found in a variety of blue and purple foods, and they help to protect your cells against damage. These pigments are also known for reducing inflammation and helping reduce the risk of cardiovascular conditions. Eating black rice can give you a worthwhile boost on yourheart healthand overall fitness. , this rice also boosts immunity and bone strength, rich in fibre , iron and aids digestion helps in weight loss, prevents diabetes and helps prevent cancer, good for heart as it reduce the LDL cholesterol(bad cholesterol).Black rice contains vitamin E good for skin and eye, has anti-inflammatory properties, highest amount of antioxidants of any rice variety, more than blue berriesMix with other rice to make idli/dosa batter( has a sticky texture after cooking)
Palm jaggery is made out of palm sap(juice) tapped from inflorescence of the tree The collected palm juice is sifted and simmered in a large vessel for further than 2 hours. The puree gets thicker and then becomes thicker before even being formed into the shape desired.
It's been found that regular intake of palm jaggery enhances gut health. The sweetener helps promote normal bowel moves and detoxifies the system by initiating enzymes. Cold and cough are the most prevalent illnesses reassured by palm jaggery. Palm jaggery is full of nutrients like iron, folic acid, potassium, and calcium, has the least GI and is an established cough and cold cure.
Palm jaggery is rich in iron and it increases hemoglobin and treats anemia if consumed regularly. It is rich in magnesium and helps to regulate the nervous system. Presence of calcium helps to build and maintain strong bones. It also contains potassium which boosts heart health, decreases cramps and has several other benefits as well. It boosts the immune system and thus prevents several blood-related and other disorders.
Palm jaggery is an excellent substitute for white sugar. As compared to white sugar that is devoid of nutrients, palm jaggery is a nutritious sweetener. All the phytonutrients of white sugar get flushed out during processing. Apart from its sweet taste, it contains no nutrient. On the other hand, jaggery is processed without any chemicals or artificial ingredients. So, it is a healthy and natural sweetener.
Palm jaggery is the most beneficial and nutrient-rich variety of raw jaggery. It is prepared from palm tree extract and is loaded with minerals and vitamins.
Sprouted Ragi Flour* Excellent Baby Food
Ragi is a healthy grain and nutritious food for babies. It's known as finger millet in English, ragi in Kannada,
mandika in Hindi, panji pullu in Malayalam, ragulu in Telugu, and kelvaragu or Keppai in Tamil.
Ragi is a gluten-free grain that is associated with several health benefits.
Ragi is one of the most beneficial millets. Sprouting it and making flour increases
the health benefits many folds. The process of germination breaks down some of the starch, making it more nutrient-rich.
It also reduces phytates (anti-nutrients), helping in the absorption of nutrients.
The entire process of sprouting, drying, and grinding may take 4-5 days but it is mostly resting time.
Although sprouting ragi and making flour from it takes time, it is the best way to eat ragi.
Ragi can be used to prepare porridge's, idli, dosa, pancake, cookies, cakes, milkshakes, and so much more!!
Preparation Process:
Washing the Ragi(upto 4-5 times) by rubbing well with your hands
Soaking the ragi in clean water for 12 hours
Then the water completely drained and ragi to a clean white cloth for sprouting
Sprouting make require 24hrs-72hrs
Sun-dry for 1-2 days or until it is fully dry and there is no moisture content
LIghtly Dry roast the Ragi and Get it ground in a Flour Mill
Ragi for Babies
Especially for babies, Ragi porridge would be their first semi-solid food when they are 5-6 months old.
Ragi can be given to babies from 6 months after introducing a few vegetable purees or fruit purees and rice.
When you introduce Ragi to your baby, you can make ragi porridge with extracted milk from whole ragi millet or plain ragi porridge with homemade ragi flour. Make sure to cook the ragi thoroughly for at least 10 minutes; otherwise, it may result in loose motion in babies.
Start with this 1 tbsp of ragi porridge and check whether the baby shows an allergic reaction.
Check it for three days, and if the baby is not allergic to it, you can increase the amount gradually.
Chutney Powderare a part of Indian cuisine. Its served along with the breakfast dishes like idli. Dosa. Upma etc or even with hot plain steamed rice. They come in many flavours and variations and is a healthy time-saver and always in stock in almost all the houses in South India.We at cafeidly also have healthier variations of dry chutney powder like Drumstick leaf, Amla, and Bitter gourd. The chutney powder-podi mixed with sesame oil or coconut oil gives unique taste. If you havent tried yet, we highly recommend you give it try.
Semipolished Thooyamalli Rice or Pure Jasmine Rice is a traditional rice variety of Tamil Nadu. The name thooyamalli refers to Thooya means pure and Malli means jasmine would be an ideal substitute for white rice. It is pearl-coloured rice and resembles the bud of a Jasmine flower.
This rice improves digestion, its anti-ageing properties helps us look young and energetic. Rich in anti-oxidants, it keeps skin healthy and shiny.
It helps to keep the internal organs younger for longer. It keeps the mind active and strengthens memory. This rice suits for all age groups, prevents diabetics & can be used to prepare Biryanis.
Health mix is a nutritious blend of cereals, millets and pulses, nuts and has no added sugar. The combination of cereals and pulses ensures your body gets the right protein profile. This health mix powder is a source of protein, dietary fibre, iron and B Vitamins and 100% natural.
Health mix is made with whole grains, thus retaining all the goodness of natures bounty. An ideal breakfast food that is suitable for the whole family. The dietary fibre keeps the digestive system happy, and the iron from the natural sources is good for the blood, brain, muscles and immune system.
Country sugar is the broken-downtype of Jaggery, which is totally unadulterated and 100% pure. There are numerous well being advantages that one can achieve by utilizing Jaggery powder as an alternative of White sugar.
Prevents Anemia
, Reduces food craving,
Helps to reduce weight,
Prevents constipation,
Good source of calcium,
Cures cold & sinus infection
It does not contain any chemical additives. Naattu sakkarai/Country Sugar is processed differently allowing it to retain its original, natural nutrients.This type of sugar is one of only the best forms for consumption, a better and healthier substitute to white sugar.
Uthukuli(Tirupur District, Tamilnadu) butter is famous for its quality. Uthukuli is basically a dry land. So they did not do agricultural work.
Alternatively, they decided to do rear livestock. Since they did not have grazing land, they used to feeding healthy forage like stalks of maize, Bran, oil-cake for livestock.
So the milk produced by livestock was of very good quality, rich in fat. Due to this high quality milk, Uthukuli Butter is rich in flavour, aroma and taste
Browntop milletis one of the traditional crops. These grains have to be soaked in water for 6 to 8 hours before cooking. These are useful for the solving problems of ovaries, stomach, arthritis, B.P, thyroid, eye problems and obesity. Likewise, they are also useful to treat Fissures, ulcers, piles, fistula and the cancer of brain, blood, breast, bones, stomach, intestine and skin. It is rich in fibre, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and many other important minerals.Browntop millet eases constipation and helps in detoxifying the body. It helps to control high blood pressure and acts as a probiotic for respiratory disorders. Brown top millet is a great substitute for rice as it keeps you satiated and delays the gastric emptying time, thereby serving as a perfect grain for all diabetic patients. Being low in glycaemic index and carbs brown top millet prevents unwanted hunger pangs and avoid a sudden spike in sugar levels. Add this tiny grain to the daily diet to stabilize blood sugars, control HbA1C and promote insulin sensitivity
Little Millet are sweet in taste. It helps in overcoming the problems of ovaries, sperm, PCOD and infertility. They help in curing the diseases of the reproductive systems in both males and females. This acts as medicine, if one gets burning sensation in the chest after taking food or gets sour belching or feels tightening of the stomach due to gastric problem etc. This is good for those suffering from sexually transmitted diseases, diarrhea and indigestion and to improve the sperm count in men and to solve the problems of periods in women. The high fiber content helps prevent constipation. This provides relief to those who suffer from migraine. This is a nutritious food for those who suffer from heart problems obesity and joint pains. They also aid in cleaning up lymph nodal system and in the control of the cancer of brain, throat, blood, thyroid and pancreas.
Kodo Milletis sweet, bitter and acrid in taste. It helps in purifying blood, improving resistance power and overcoming anemia and diabetes, constipation and good for sound sleep. Also, efficient functioning of bone marrow and to get rid of asthma and kidney problems and problemsrelated to prostate, blood cancer and cancers of intestine, thyroid, throat, pancreas or liver. They have high nutritious value and therefore a good food for the children. This is good for digestion. It has high antioxidant activity.It keeps sugar and cholesterol levels in blood in check, provides good energy. If you take these along with other lentils like Bengal gram or cowpea then we get sufficient nutrients that are required for our body. As there is high fiber content it is good for weight reduction. It gives relief from the pains caused by long-term diseases and to reduce swelling. Its for the treating swelling of joints and for women, who suffer from irregular periods, diabetic patients and those who have weak eye nerves. The flour of Kodo millet is used to smear on swellings. It is also helpful for those diabetic patients who develop gangrene after getting injured on legs. They are also helpful for the recovery of patients who have suffered from dengue, typhoid or viral fevers and became weak.
Red Rice or Sevappu kavuni rice or Red parboiled rice is highly nutritious because of its outer bran, apart from being a weight-loss friendly food it strengthens immunity, helps control diabetes. red rice comes with a nutty flavour and is high in nutritional content when compared to polished rice.The red rice gets its colour from an antioxidant called anthocyanin which is a compound found in several other red and purple coloured vegetables. Red rice is loaded with fibre, iron and is also considered to reduce inflammation in the body, controls cholesterol levels and lowers blood pressure
Unpolished Mapillai Samba or Bride Groom Riceis a native variety of rice, which is red in colour and is grown predominantly in Tamil Nadu.The high fibre content present in the rice eases digestion. vitamin B1 present in the rice aids in healing stomach and mouth ulcers, increases haemoglobin content , Improves immunity and stamina, Increases haemoglobin content. It is the best rice variety for diabetic patients.It can increases energy level and induces and strengths bone growth, it is commonly given to kids.Rich in magnesium, manganese, iron and Zinc
Poongar Rice is an traditional unpolished red rice variety, indigenous to Tamil Nadu.Often mistaken for Mapillai Samba Rice due to similar appearanceWhy its called women's rice ? It has been known to be helpful in womens health. Poongar consumed by women after puberty, is believed to avert ailments associated with the reproductive system. And especially beneficial to pregnant women and lactating mothers.Called as 'Women's Rice' this rice is known to cure most of women's hormonal issues, good for girls and women if all ages.cures hormonal issues affecting puberty in girls, helps to maintain a healthy uterus thus aids in conceiving, good for pregnant and nursing women as it helps increase lactation.contains anthocyanin, boosts immunity, contains vitamin b12 which helps prevent ulcers.Lowers Low density Lipo proteins and good for heart .rich in fibre, aids digestion