Our Products
Separating Machines
2 Products availableDryers
1 Products availableDust Collectors
1 Products availableIndustrial Blowers, Coolers & Fans
1 Products availableWashers
1 Products availableCleaning Wipes & Liquids
1 Products availableApplication:-
These filters are generally used for Oil Filtration Plant system.
Dust Collecting hopper with baffle plate or drop out section
Filter chamber
Clean gas exhaust chamber
Cleaning device
The dust laden air enters through inlet of the hopper where baffle plate or drop out section act as a precollector by helping the coarse dust to fall down into the hopper &
also it helps air to reduce its velocity with equivalent distribution throughout the filter chamber. Cadillac provides an inspection Door on the hopper. In special cases, where dust are fine top entry can be offered.
Filter chamber are equipped with bag filter, cage, venture, Cadillac experience engineers give special attention on selection of Bag Filter fabric, Keeping in mind the type & nature of dust, dust load, temp. of gas, emission level, atmospheric condition etc. For normal application polyester needle felt is being used (temp.100 to 150 degree centigrade) & for high temp. aramide needle felt is used (temp. 180-200 deg.c.). Cadillac can provide cartridge type bag filter where space is constrained.
Clean gas exhaust chamber contains bag holding plate or cage plate, blast pipe, accessible door, outlet of gas. We give special attention on cutting of bag holding plate because its provide proper sealing & perfect alignment of the case with the bag. The blast pipes are connected by union joint to maintain automatic alignment with the filter bag. Venturis are set properly with the cage or cage plate to provide support for dedusting of filter bags. This clean chamber is completely accessible by its door. Also railing & platform is provided for support.
Cleaning devices, consist of manifold tank which contain compressed air at a pressure about 6-8 kg./sq.m is connected with a solenoid operated diaphragm valve, which are connected with the blast pipe. The compressed air should be oil & moisture free air. The sequential timer is used to control the several diaphragm valve with an extra features of D.P. mode. A.D.P. switch senses the different pressure between clean chamber & filter chamber & start the pulsing. In normal condition timer control the pulsing of diaphragm valve. When dust laden air flows through the filter bag, where the particulates larger than the fabric interstices are deposited on the bag surface to form a cake of dust which act as a efficient filter. When sequential timer starts the diaphragm valve it starts pulsing the filter bag & the bag stretches & excess adhering dust drop to the dust hopper which is removed from hopper by dust discharging device like ravs, chute, screw conveyors etc.
Media & Construction :- The basic media of these filters are either glass fibre paper or cellulose and synthetic fibre mix paper. The separator used are hot melt type and are suitable to work upto temp. of 100 C. The media is encased in aluminium, G.I. frame with no metallic spacers.
Application : It is applied for multi stage filter system in ACVS, Micro electronic, medicine and compressors.
Special Features :- It is specially designed where uninterruption flow is required. It is made of two parts with 2 nos. 3 way valves or 4 nos. Butterfly valve for maximum utility.Optional feature like pr. drop indicator (audio & visual)can be provided for change over. Complete automation also can be supplied for change over.
Connection Size :- 25 NB to 600 NB flanged end.
Filtration :- Range 10 micron to 500 micron.
Construction Features:-
Heatless Compressed Air Dryer system (air drier) and gas dryer system for moisture removal in air & gases, These Compressed gas and air dryers (air driers) find use in majority of Industrial compressed air system and pneumatic applications. These air and gas dryer (air drier) are also offered for High Pressure gas and air drying system and applications. Following is a brief description of the working of these compressed air dryers and gas dryer systems. A Heatless compressed air dryer (drier) is the simplest form of desiccant type gas or air dryer (drier) for achieving a dew point of -40C or better for compressed air systems and other gas and air dryer (drier) applications.
Wet incoming Compressed air after passing through pre filter passes through the slide piston valve assembly and is directed towards adsorber chamber I where the compressed air passes upward through the desiccant (Activated Alumina / Molecular Sieves). Compressed Air drying takes place by adsorption. Dry Compressed air from adsorber chamber I then passes through the Check valve assembly and then through the after- filter to the application or work area. While Compressed air is being drying in chamber I the desiccant in chamber II where the desiccant has been wetted in the previous cycle is being simultaneously regenerated. The chamber II is depressurized to atmosphere through the purge valve in the downward direction. A portion of the dry compressed air passes through the needle valve / orifice plate through the desiccant and flushes out the desorbed moisture. When the regeneration is complete, the purge valve is closed and the tower is slowly repressurised to line pressure for a smooth changeover. A drying period of 5 minutes provides an efficient dew point of -40C or better (at atmospheric pressure). In regeneration process approximately 30 seconds are required for repressurization.
Special Features :- It is specially designed for uninterruption flow of liquid. There is no need to clean the elements. Cleaning is done by automatic flushing by differential pressure initiated by D.P SWITCH, Motor etc.
Construction :- The outher casing is made of fabrication or casting to withstand high pressure. The elements are generally made of wiremesh of SS-304, SS-316 etc. as per application.
Application :- It is suitable for raw water, D.M water, Coolant Fluid, Water / Oil Emulsion, oil at constant pressure drop.
Additional Information: Item Code: BSC01
Connection Size :- 15 NB to 450 NB (Screwed & Flanged End).
Pressure & Temperature :- 8.92 Bar @ 179 Deg. C (Hot) to 100 Bar @ 37.8 Deg.C (Cold).
Construction :- The outer casing is made of fabrication or casting to withstand high pressure the elements are generally made of perforated sheet & wire mesh of SS-304, SS-316 etc. as per application.
Application :- These filters are generally used for in-line liquid filtration system.
Special Features :- It is specially designed to reduce moisture and oil content from 2000 PPM to 100 PPM at a very low pressure drop.
Construction :- The outer casing is made of fabrication or casting to withstand high pressure. The elements are made of absorbent & coalescing media.
Application :- It is most suitable for installing in compressed air line for removal of moisture, oil, scale, and other particles (95% down to 3 micron).
Air washers manufactured by our company are offered in single/double/ triple systems to suit to varying saturation efficiencies
We are offering a comprehensive range of Cyclone Separator that durable, energy efficient and require less space.
Cadillac stand AHU(Air Handling Unit) consists of Mixing chamber, pre filter, fine filter, coil section, fan section. AHU(HVAC and Fresh Air Type) frame work is constructed from hollow extruded aluminum profiles anodized or power coated to protect all weather. In critical cases thermal break profile can be selected. The frame works are held by thermoplast, concern joints and omega section. The frame works are held by thermoplast, concern joints and omega section. Special accessibility components are used for easy maintenance and replacement.
Double skinned panels are made in various thickness (25 mm., 30 mm. , 50 mm) which are insulated by PUF ( density 36+ / -4 kg /m3) of K value 0.017 to 0.019 watts /m degree centigrade or expanded polystyrene sheet (density 26 to 40 kg/m3 of K value 0.03 watts /m degree K). Phenolic insulation is also available as per customer requirement. Panels are constructed by G.I. sheet, aluminum sheet, S.S. sheet etc. Special epoxy paints are done on inside part of panel for anti corrosive effect. Inside part can also be covered by perforated sheet for acoustic insulation.
Cadillac offers high energy efficient forward or backward curved SISW or DIDW fan range from 1000 cfm to 30, 000 cfm and static pressure of 6" to WG. All fans are individually tested and dynamically as well as statically balanced for smooth & noise free operation. Fan and Motor are mounted on slide rail & vibration isolator for easy adjustment of belt tension and maximum isolation.
Cooling coils with S.S. drain pan are psychometrically efficient with low air pressure drop. As per design condition multiple row with aluminium / copper fins are available. Each coil is tested at 21 kg/cm2 under water. Heating coil / Dehumidifier is used where dehumidification is required.
Special Features:-
Compact but strongly marked in construction.
Easy to install & service.
Noise & vibration free.
Wide range of application.
Built for long trouble free operation.
View Port & Lamp Switch.
Intake louvres with bird screen for fresh air intake.
Fire retardant flexible joint for inlet & outlet of the unit.
Sound attenuation for low noise application.
Humidification Section.
Electric heater section for heating / humidity control.
Air Curtains, clean room curtains maintains the interior air conditioning efficiency to save energy, while preventing the entry of dust, harmful insects and fumes from outside. An air curtain or clean room curtains is a device used for separating two spaces from each other. It usually happens at the exterior entrance. The most common configuration for air curtains is a downward facing fan mounted over an opening. Normally this opening is an entrance to a building and the air curtain is intended to help keep outside air out and avoid cold draught by mixing in warm air from the air curtain. The fan must be powerful enough to generate a jet that can reach the floor.
An air (non-heated) air curtains are often used in conjunction with cold storage and refrigerated rooms. Airflow through a door depends on wind forces, temperature differences and pressure differences.
We offer high quality cross over bench and are offered at reasonable prices. Made from good quality raw material.
These Pressurized Air Ventilation Systems are designed and developed depending on customers requirements. Our manufactured Air Washers are perfect to create a good comfortable environment in the area to be ventilated.
Scrubbers offered by us, which are made with the use of quality material and in accordance with the prevailing industry standards.