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2 Products availableSurgical Equipment & Supplies
2 Products availableWe offer a complete product range of Endring Removing Machine, Automatic Exposing Machine, Exposing Cone and Rotary Screen Laser Stripping Machine
C-KANARO Textile Machinery Pvt. Ltd. endring removing machine remove the end ring without use of any chemical edge of highly costly screen. The life of the endring also gets longer because no chemical comes in contact with the endring.
Specially and perfect designed removing blade for long life. A hot air blower performs a task that quickly remove the endring without damage from the screen.
Needs every demand of an engraver. The most important features are exposure time, simple operation, constant light strength & incredible precision.
A technologically advanced machine in which a laser point coming from a laser tube is directed on the screen and the high energy of the laser point burns the chemical of the photo emulsion on the surface of the screen. The laser stripping machine works in the similar way how the laser engraving machine works. The only difference is that in stripping. The whole screen is completely stripped and in engraving lacquer chemical is removed from the required certain areas. Attached high capacity suction unit removes the ash of the chemical. The fresh air from the suction unit passes through the filter after the suction unit. And yes, the biggest and most important advantage of this machine is that if there is any problem with the machine, the service will be provided by us.