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2 Products availableHardware Fittings And Accessories
2 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of turned pressed parts, Brass Pressed Parts, Stainless Steel Pressed Parts and Brass Turned Parts Pressed Parts.
Turned Pressed Parts Turned Pressed Components Features
Turned Pressed Parts Turned Pressed Components Brass Pressed Components Metal parts metal Components Metal pressings Sheet Metal Components Sheet Metal Parts.
Turned Pressed Parts Turned Pressed Components Brass Copper Stainless Steel Sheet Metal work Sheet metal components part Metal Parts Metal Components Metal Pressings Metal Pressed Parts Manufacturers.
Turned Pressed Parts Turned Pressed Components Brass Parts Brass Components Brass Pressings Brass Pressed Parts Manufacturers Copper Parts Copper Components Copper Pressings Copper Pressed Parts Manufacturers.
Turned Pressed Parts Turned Pressed Components Plain Brass Copper washers to BS 4320: 1968 DIN 125, 433 and 9021.
Also available special Turned Pressed Parts Turned Pressed Components pressed parts pressings and deep drawn components , pressings and parts for Switchgears, Transformers, Elevators, Heaters and other electromechanical applications.
Pressing up to 5mm thickness can be provided on 400 tones press.
Turned Pressed Parts Turned Pressed Components Materials
Brass Copper Stainless Steel Pressed Parts Pressings press Work
Brass Pressed Parts PRESSED PARTS PRESSED COMPONENTS PRESSED PARTS Brass Pressed Parts Brass Pressed Components Brass Pressing Copper Pressed Parts Copper Pressed Components Copper Pressing Washers Copper Stainless Steel SS Washers Pressings and Pressed Components.
Also available special pressed and drawn components for Switchgears, Transformers, Elevators, Heaters and other electromechanical applications.
Available Brass Pressed Parts Stainless Steel deep drawing facility for Cutlery and Utensils .
Brass Pressed Parts Pressing and pressed parts up to 5mm thickness can be provided on 400 tones press. Auto pressed parts and Pressings for automotive use in stainless steel Brass shims pressed nuts Brass terminals auto parts available.
TURNED PARTS TURNED Brass Parts Turned Brass Parts to custom specification .
We offer Brass parts Turned Components to user drawings and prints We specialize in machined Brass components Brass Turned Components small big cast machined Brass parts components cast brass parts components forged brass turned parts components stamped brass parts components from miniature 1mm to 200mm
Special Brass Pressed Parts
We shall be pleased to develop Non-Standard Brass components nuts screws studs fixings wood screws machine screws fasteners as per specific requirements.
Brass Pressed Parts Details :
Brass Pressed Parts Material :- Brass, Copper, Stainless Steel (S.S.) (A2 / A4) and Vulcanized red fibre, Bronze
Brass Pressed Parts Finish :- Natural, Nickel, Electro-Tin etc.
Brass Pressed Parts Note : - Available Stainless Steel deep drawing facility for Cutlery and Utensils Brass Pressed Parts Details : - Brass Pressed Parts Materials :Brass to BS 2874 / 2872
Brass Pressed PartsFinish :- Brass natural, Electro-Tinned, Nickel etc.
Brass Pressed PartsThreads :- ISO Metric, BSW, BA, BSF, UNC, UNF UNEF etc.
Threads: 2mm 3mm 4mm 5mm 6mm 8mm 10mm 12mm 16mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 1/8" 5/32" 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 1" 11/8" 11/4" 11/2" 13/4" 2"
Brass Material used for Brass Pressed Parts : CZ 115 c345, C 353, CDA 36000, c3602, c3604, c385, cz131, cz124, cz121, en 12164 - cw606n, CW 603n, CW 614n, cuzn36pb2, cuzn39pb3 & cuzn36pb3, C 675, cz 114, cz 115, en 12165 CW 721 r & CW 722r.
Stainless Steel Pressed Part Pressed Component Feature
Also available special Stainless Steel Pressed Parts Pressed Components Brass Pressed Parts Pressed Components Brass Copper Stainless Steel Sheet Metal work Sheet metal components Pressed Parts Pressed Components Pressed parts pressed parts pressings and deep drawn components , pressings and parts for Switchgears, Transformers, Elevators, Heaters and other electromechanical applications. Pressing up to 5mm thickness can be provided on 400 tones press.
Stainless Steel Pressed Parts Pressed Components Materials
Stainless Steel Pressed Parts Pressed Components Brass Pressed Parts Pressed Components Brass Copper Stainless Steel Sheet Metal work Sheet metal components Pressed Parts Pressed Components Pressed parts Brass Copper Stainless Steel Pressed Parts Pressings press Work
Brass Turned Parts Pressed Parts Features
Brass Turned Parts Pressed Parts Brass Pressed Components Metal parts metal Components Metal pressings Sheet Metal Components Sheet Metal Parts.
Brass Turned Parts Pressed Parts Brass Copper Stainless Steel Sheet Metal work Sheet metal components part Metal Parts Metal Components Metal Pressings Metal Pressed Parts Manufacturers.
Brass Turned Parts Pressed Parts Brass Parts Brass Components Brass Pressings Brass Pressed Parts Manufacturers Copper Parts Copper Components Copper Pressings Copper Pressed Parts Manufacturers
Brass Turned Parts Pressed Parts Plain Brass Copper washers to BS 4320: 1968 DIN 125, 433 and 9021.
Also available special Brass Turned Parts Pressed Parts pressed parts pressings and deep drawn components , pressings and parts for Switchgears, Transformers, Elevators, Heaters and other electromechanical applications. Pressing up to 5mm thickness can be provided on 400 tones press.
Brass Turned Parts Pressed Parts Materials
Brass Turned Parts Pressed Parts Brass Copper Stainless Steel Pressed Parts Pressings press Work
Brass grades used for Brass Turned Parts Pressed Parts : BS 2874 - CZ 121 Pb3 CZ 122 UNS C36000 CDA 360 DZR Brass BS 2874 - CZ 131 CW 614 N EN 12164 BS 2874 - CZ 114 BS 2874 CZ 115 c377, c380, cz122, en 12165 cw617n cw612n, cuzn40pb2.