Why B2B Portals Are So Important For Business Growth?

By: Gaurav Batra In: B2B Last Updated: 2011-08-18

B2B is an abbreviation for Business to Business. This term is used to indicate the trade setup between two or more business houses. B2B portals or directories have emerged as a boon for all such trade setups and are playing a major role in their success. But what exactly are these portals and how are they beneficial? Lets' find out.

Definition Of B2B Portal: B2B portal is a platform where a number of web pages are compiled to develop a platform for big and small manufacturers, suppliers and exporters to initiate and develop business relations with other organizations, with an aim of maximizing the sales. B2B portals also facilitate the promotion of service providers.

Need For B2B Portal: B2B portal is a global platform where business organizations can get themselves registered. These portals provide proper lists of all the organizations belonging to a particular industry.

Advantages Of B2B Portals:

  • It is a global platform
  • Facilitates communication between two or more business houses
  • Provides links for contacting the relevant organization immediately
  • It offers ample choices to buyers

Significance Of B2B portals: B2B Portals have emerged as a credible tool for creating a distinct online identity.It helps all the business houses to initiate fruitful business relations with other organizations. Getting listed with an online business portal would increase your credibility as there are great chances of your organization being named among the bigwigs of the industry. Owing to the rapidly growing popularity of Internet, it is mandatory for all the business houses to get registered with an authentic B2B portal. It becomes even more necessary as large number of buyers take the help if internet to find the right associates for their business. As mentioned earlier, getting listed with a B2B portal is one of the most convenient ways to get recognized among lakhs of competitors. Since most of the people trust internet for searching a product or service, B2B portals act as an excellent platform for the business houses to increase their online visibility. Thus, business houses can expect an increase in queries. Consequently, entrepreneurs can look forward to expand their business.

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