What Makes For An Ideal B2B Site?

By: Gaurav Batra In: B2B Last Updated: 2011-06-27

Internet has expanded the market reach of large corporate houses and small vendors alike. It conveniently facilitates communication between organizations based in two different parts of the world. Setting new trends in the working of organizations pertaining to Business to Business set up, Internet has proved to be the best platform for presenting all the information of a company. B2B Sites on this online web have emerged as the ideal way for creating a unique online identity while at the same time, providing information that may interest prospective clients.

  • The content and the presentation of the website: Both are equally important in ensuring that casual visitors turn into clients of the company. The first look of the B2B website should be compelling enough for a visitor to stay on and continue surfing the website. In this regard, the Homepage plays a significant role. It should give a brief idea about the company's offerings and should provide links for further information. The next significant part of the B2B website is the page giving details about the profile of the company. An ideal B2B site should also present an overview of the products offered by company. Moreover, contact details of the company must be clearly mentioned so that the visitors are able to contact the company for further communication.

  • The Home page of any B2B site should be designed very attractively: It provides the first look to the viewer. Also known as the Index page, this section of the website presents a brief introduction about the company and its position in the market. The exclusivity of the offerings of the company is clearly presented in the Home page, which attracts the visitors to move on to the next link.

  • Each B2B site should have a section to present the information about the company as well: It would be interesting for the prospective clients to have a fair amount of information about the company with which they may build business relations. History of the company, its achievements and the vision of the company must be clearly mentioned in this segment. The page describing the company profile should be inclusive of the facts that make the company stand out.

  • An ideal business to business website has a page that gives an overview of the offerings of the company: This part of the website describes the exclusivity of the products or services being offered. The details regarding shipment and packaging are also included so that the prospective clients become aware of the benefits of procuring the products from this company. Moreover, the best B2B websites give description of every single product or service being offered in a detailed yet concise format.

Though there are no set rules for a perfect B2B site yet highlighting the above mentioned sections distinctly will make the website more attractive. Interesting content, distinct color pattern and simple yet striking presentation make for an ideal B2B site.

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