What Are Freight Forwarding Services

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Growth Last Updated: 2013-03-14

What-Are-Freight-Forwarding-Services---EIFreight Forwarding refers to services that deal with transportation of goods, which includes all aspects like storage, handling, distribution, etc. Freight Forwarding also includes additional services related to transportation of goods like - cargo insurance, payment collection, custom clearance, etc.

Different Kinds Of Freight Forwarding Services

  • Overland Freight Forwarding - This type of Freight Forwarding Service mainly involves trucking. But the rail network is also being increasing utilized for Overland Freight Forwarding nowadays.
  • Global Freight Forwarding - Global Freight Forwarding refers to intercontinental transportation via air/sea transport.
  • Contract Freight Forwarding -Contract Freight Forwarding is the term used for services offered by freight forwarders who take care of some sections of the supply chain on behalf of the clients. Contract Freight Forwarding includes warehousing and distribution.

Why Avail Freight Forwarding Services?

  • Core Competency - By hiring a professional Freight Forwarder, a company can focus on its core competencies, & leave all matters related to goods handling, storage, packing & transportation to professionals.
  • Regional Expertise - Delivering goods to far-off locations require knowledge about the documentation & local procedures of those specific regions. Rather than wasting time & efforts in getting up to date with all such processes, it is better to outsource the goods delivery to the professional Freight Forwarders who have the requisite expertise to deal with such tasks efficiently.
  • Value-Added Services - Nowadays, most Freight Forwarders offer several value added services, apart from just custom clearance & transportation, this includes services like - inventory management, quality control, packaging, warehousing, labeling, & so on.
  • Saves Money & Time - By availing Freight Forwarding Services from professional Freight Forwarders, a company easily save time & reduce turnaround.

IT has had a great impact on the freight forwarding industry. IT has enabled real time communication which means that freight forwarders can offer value added services like - real time tracking, inventory status, delivery status, etc. to clients. With advanced IT support, freight forwarders today are more flexible, efficient & quick. IT has enabled the freight forwarders to enhance their competitiveness in the market.

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3 thoughts on "What Are Freight Forwarding Services"
  • I am agree with you that today freight forwarding services become the indiscernible part of chain supply. Your post provides the brief description about the freight forwarding services with the different types of it. Thanks for this information I like your post.

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  • Thanks for the brief explanation, in short it means proper handling, transporting and delivering agent for goods from one destination to other is called as a freight forwarder.

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  • Yes Freight Forwarders have become an integral part of the supply chain. There are various pricing models now available.

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