Try These Fruits for Hair Growth and Thickness

By: Gaurav Batra In: Agriculture Last Updated: 2019-02-28

Hair is the crown that festoons everyone’s beauty. Irrespective of the gender, having thick, black, and lustrous hair is the dream that everyone dreams of. But not everyone has the hair growth that they can boast of. The adulteration, degraded food quality, increasing pollution, and the present lifestyle are some of the main reasons that affect our hair growth and stop them from attaining the ideal ‘0.5 inches per month’ growth. Many people spend thousands and lacs in getting treatments from trichologists and dermatologists for getting their hair treated. There are many others who try natural home remedies to treat their hair fall and get their growth back on track. While it is important to keep an eye on your scalp health if you are experiencing hair loss, your diet also plays a critical role in speed-up your hair growth.

As our hair is made up of cells which have keratin, a kind of tough protein, nourishing it with the required nutrients is indispensable for a healthy mane. Your diet and the food you intake every day has a drastic effect on not just your hair growth but also its color, lusciousness, and thickness. Many food items have the required nutrients that can add the much-needed shine and strength to your hair while preventing hair loss. And when it comes to food, nothing beats the nutrition content offered by fruits. There are a number of fruits in the market that have all the proteins, vitamins, and minerals that can act as food for hair growth. Here is a list of fruits that help you in hair growth.

Fruits for Hair Growth

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The food you have has a great effect on the way your hair looks and how fast they grow. If you are also battling with hair loss, trying out these fruits can be very helpful. These fruits have a magical effect on your hair growth. So, instead of spending thousands at a hair clinic, get these from the fruit suppliers near you and incorporate them into your diet. You’ll surely see some magic happening to the quality of your hair soon. In addition to these fruits, you can also include food items like beans, meat, soybeans, nuts, sweet peppers, avocadoes, and eggs in your diet to boost your hair growth. These are some of the super foods for hair growth and you can include them in your diet to see a visible difference and increase in your hair growth in a very short period of time.

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