Top 8 Fruits For Healthy & Glowing Skin

By: Gaurav Batra In: Agriculture Last Updated: 2019-05-14

As a kid, weve all shown hatred towards fruits when a bowl of it was placed in front of us instead of our favorite snack. But growing up, we realize that fruits are the healthiest thing one can consume to provide the body with all the nutrients it requires. Not only are fruits great for proper growth and protection of the human body against hundreds of diseases like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc., their benefits for the hair and skin are also a reason why people are increasingly inclining towards a fruit-rich diet. In this write-up, we are going to discuss the benefits of fruits for the skin. Whether your skin is very prone to acne & pimple, is dry, has suffered sun damage or if you simply dream of having healthy and glowing skin, this blog would certainly be a great informative piece for you. Keep reading further to know the top 8 fruits that you should try to have the most beautiful and flawless skin.

1. Watermelon

WatermelonThe summers favorite fruit, watermelon, brings water in everyones mouth. This sweet, red, and juicy fruit is not just refreshing and great in taste but also very beneficial for the skin. Consisting of 92% water, 7.55% carbs, and only 0.4% sugar, this fruit serves as a great alternative to various other fruits during the hot summers. Its skin benefits are:

  • Individual who have a skin that is either too oily or prone to acne should consume watermelon to get rid of this problem.

  • The high water content in watermelon makes it great for flushing out the toxins from the body, thus preventing any type of pimple or other outbursts on skin.

  • The water content of watermelon also helps in keeping the skin hydrated and moisturized, thus making it supple and look refreshed all the time.

  • The natural substances present in watermelon act as a natural toner for the skin as they shrink the body tissues.

  • Vitamin C, vitamin A, and lycopene present in watermelon reduce the free radicals in the body to boost collagen growth and prevent the aging of the skin.

  • Those having oily skin can also use watermelon to reduce the size of skin pores and minimize oil secretion.

The watermelon benefits for skin make it a favorite of people who want to prevent aging and have firm skin. Anyone can buy this fruit from trusted watermelon suppliers and make the best use of them for their skin.

2. Apple

AppleApple is one of the most beneficial fruit for the overall health of the body. And when discussing the top fruits for healthy and glowing skin, apple should never be missed out. Apples can easily fulfill the bodys everyday requirement of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, dietary fibers, and magnesium. The apple benefits for skin are:

  • By providing protection to the skin against tanning, apples can help in lightening the skin complexion and any dark spots or pigmentation.

  • Hydrated skin looks soft and supple and consuming apples can hydrate as well as cleanse the skin. One can also place apple slices on the face to hydrate it.

  • Grated apple pulp, mixed with some glycerin can help heal sunburn and protect it from any further sun damage.

  • Mashed apple, mixed with milk can offer relief from acne and also get rid of any type of dark spots or blemishes ion the face.

  • Those with puffy eyes or dark circles can place apple slices on top to relax them and reduce the puffiness.

Apple is one of the healthiest fruits and consuming it can have proven benefits for the skin as well as the overall health of the body. Apple exporters from India supply this fruit to different parts of the world. There are many amazing facts about apple fruit the one should know to fall more in love with this fruit.

3. Papaya

PapayaPapaya is one of the most nutritionally rich fruits in the fruit kingdom and papaya benefits for the skin is something that people always talk about. This fruit contains vitamins A, vitamin C, vitamin B, folate, pantothenic acid, and a number of minerals like potassium, magnesium, and copper. Some of the papaya benefits for skin are:

  • Papayas act as a natural bleaching agent and prevent any type of discoloration on the skin by lightening the dark spots.

  • The papain and chymopapain enzymes are loaded with antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties to prevent any type of damage done to the skin by the free radicals.

  • Consuming papayas directly or applying papaya mask mixed with olive oil or honey can hydrate and moisturize the skin while also reducing wrinkles or fine lines on the face.

  • Papayas are said to be great for treating warts, corns, eczema, and cutaneous tubercles.

  • Papaya face pack made with lemon juice can clean the skin of any impurities and make it look even brighter.

  • Papaya scrub made with a honey or rose water and orange peel can be effective in exfoliating the skin

Papayas have a number of benefits for the skin and using it properly can help in getting smooth and radiant skin. Papayas exporter make use of this amazing skin benefit of papayas while exporting it to their clients across the globe.

4. Orange

OrangeRich in vitamin C, oranges act as a great fruit for the skin. Every 100 grams of orange contains about 54 grams of vitamin C which makes it a house of antioxidants and the benefits of antioxidants are not unheard of. This substance helps in preventing different types of damages done to the skin like photo damage, oxidative damage, DNA damage etc. Orange benefits do not end here.

  • Antioxidants present in oranges also ensure that the collagen is synthesized properly and any inflammation on the skin is reduced. It also fights the free radicals, thus slowing down the formation of wrinkles on skin.

  • The citric acid present in oranges exfoliates the skin and speed-up the drying of any type of acne.

  • In addition to having a high quantity of antioxidants, oranges also contain a number of natural oils that keep the skin moisturized and healthier for a long time.

  • Not just that, oranges are also a source of fiber and calcium while being very low in calorie content.

One can apply orange juice directly on the ski or make a face pack with lemon juice, gram flour, and turmeric. Apart from skin benefits, orange suppliers also avow to the benefits of this fruit alongside other fruits for hair growth and thickness.

5. Mango

MangoMango, whether consumed raw or in shakes, smoothies, juices, etc., is one of the most favorite fruits of people owing to its sweet tangy taste and the juicy pulp. This fruit contains a good amount of flavonoids, beta-carotene, polyphenolics, and xanthophylls along with vitamin A, C, E, and K. Whether it is the mango extract, pulp, or even its skin, mango acts as a natural skincare item. Some of the mango benefits for skin are:

  • Mashed mango pulp can be used as a face mask to prevent pimples and blackheads by cleansing the skin and its pores.

  • Consuming mangoes regularly can make the skin healthier as it has various types of nutrients for making the skin glow.

  • Those having an inflamed skin can use blended mango pulp, mango seed oil, or mango extract powder to heal the inflammation caused by acne or skin breakout.

  • The vitamin A and vitamin C present in mangoes help in the production of collagen while antioxidants present in this fruit protect from free radicals, thus preventing pre-mature aging of the skin.

  • Mangoes have alpha hydroxy acids that remove dead skin cells by acting as great chemical exfoliate.

  • Mango butter can also be used on the skin to clear out the pores and fight the free radicals to prevent premature aging of skin.

Mango suppliers have been talking about the benefits of mango for skin. Owing to these amazing skin benefits, the demand of this fruit skyrockets during the summers. A number of promotional activities, policies, and initiatives are taken by the government to help the mango exporters up the countrys mango export.

6. Banana

BananaWith high potassium, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, lectin, zinc, and amino acid content, the benefits of banana for skin are countless. Not just the pulp inside the fruit but the peel of banana also has some miraculous effect on the skin. The minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorous add to the nutritional value of this fruit. Banana benefits for the skin are countless, some of them are:

  • Bananas have a high moisturizing quality that makes the skin supple and applying a face mask made with banana can cure dryness and peeling off of the skin. A plain mashed banana mask also helps in lightening the dark spots on the skin.

  • Applying a face mask of banana with lemon juice and honey can exfoliate the skin and remove the excess sebum that leads to oil accumulation on the face.

  • Rubbing the inside of a banana peel on the face directly can help in getting rid of even the toughest of acnes and pimples.

  • Regular consumption of bananas along with a mask of this fruit with orange juice and yogurt can help the skin fought wrinkles and any early signs of aging.

If these benefits are making you want to stock your kitchen with this fruit, many banana suppliers and exporters can be contacted either in the local market or on various online platforms to get the best banana in the city at a reasonable price.

7. Kiwi

KiwiKiwi is a wonder fruit that is not just great for the body but also has a number of amazing benefits for the skin. Owing to its high amount of Vitamin C, this fruit is rich in antioxidants that are known to promote the synthesis of collagen and prevent the free oxygen radicals from damaging the DNA. Some benefits of kiwi fruit are;

  • A rejuvenating face mask made with mashed kiwi and curd can be applied on the face to boost the production of collagen and make the skin more supple, firm, and soft.

  • This fruit has a number of anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating skin that has pimples, rashes, boils, or any other kind of skin inflammation.

  • It also has lightening properties that can be leveraged by mixing mashed kiwi with turmeric and applying on face as a pack.

  • Mashed kiwis mixed with soaked almond paste can be used on the face once a week to prevent the aging of the skin.

  • The high amount of vitamin C in kiwis helps in preventing sun damage done to the skin.

There are countless benefits of kiwi fruit, not just for the skin but for the hair, blood, weight loss, etc. Consuming it in fruit salad, blending it in smoothie, or baking it in muffins and tarts, kiwi fruit can be consumed in numerous ways to get its miraculous kiwi benefits for skin. One can approach the nearest kiwi fruit supplier to get the best quality kiwis and include them in their diet and skincare routine.

8. Strawberry


One of the sweetest, tastiest, and the most favorite berries of all, strawberry is not just a fruit of taste, it also has a number of benefits for the skin. Strawberries are super-fruits that have loads of antioxidants from the vitamin C they have. Strawberry benefits for the skin are countless and some are discussed below:

  • The ellagic acid present in strawberries is known to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the suns UV rays.

  • Regular consumption of strawberries and application of mashed strawberry mask on the face can prevent collagen destruction and give the skin a flawless look by hiding signs of aging as well.

  • Strawberries also have salicylic acid that can exfoliate the skin and help in removing dead cells and blackheads from the face.

  • One can also mix strawberry juice with an equal amount of rose water and use is regularly as a toner to tone the skin.

  • Being acidic in nature, applying a mask made from strawberries can easily remove oil from the face, thus preventing the formation of acne or pimples.

Undoubtedly, strawberry has a number of benefits for skin along with being super tasty to eat. One can easily make the day healthy with this amazing fruit. There are many strawberry suppliers who offer this fruit at a cost-effective price.

While these were the top 8 fruits that one should consume every day or include in their skincare routine, there is more in the treasure trove of the fruit kingdom than just these eight names. One can go for various other fruits like gooseberry, pomegranate, grapes, cherries, pineapples, muskmelons, etc., to make their skin more radiant and glowing.

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