Tips On How To Retrieve Your B2B Leads

By: Gaurav Batra In: B2B Last Updated: 2013-06-17

So you finally did manage to collect a great pool of potential B2B leads, & with sheer brilliance & hard work you successfully managed to turn all those raw leads into serious prospects too, but then something goes wrong, & wham! You lose half your B2B leads. Only a salesperson can understand the pain associated with losing the leads that took months to nurture. The blood & sweat that went into convincing them to associate with your brand can only be appreciated by a fellow marketer. As the popular saying goes - 'Its No Use Crying Over Split Milk', the same holds true for the B2B leads that have left. There is nothing to be gained by beating your brains out, but you could invest your valuable time in ensuring that this does not happen again in future. A few useful tips for retrieving the rest of your B2B leads are given below.

  • Ascertain The Accurate Details Behind Why The B2b Leads Left.
    To devise an effective damage control strategy, it is important to find out what exactly happened which made your B2B clients leave. Until & unless you get hold of the exact reason there is no use of moving forward.
  • Contact The Customers Directly
    On your fact-finding mission, you will probably come across a variety of versions about what happened & who was to blame. For the most accurate details, contact the customers directly. Listen to what they have to say. Be patient even if they take out their frustration on you. Once you are done with uncovering the reason behind the whole mess from the horse's mouth itself, thank the ex-clients for their valuable time. If you see any scope for reconciliation, be sure to take it.
  • Fix The Problem As Soon As Possible
    Once you find out where the problem lies, be quick about finding an effective solution if you want to retain the rest of your B2B leads. If the problem was a defective product, get it fixed; if the problem was an errant customer service employee of yours, issue a warning; whatever be the case find the best solution to stop such situations from repeating itself in future. A well thought out & planned damage-control strategy can ensure that the rest of your B2B leads are also not lost out to the competition.

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