The Benefits of Buyers Personas in B2B Business

By: Gaurav Batra In: B2B Last Updated: 2016-07-28

Benefits of Buyers Personas in B2B Business

Getting yourself aligned on the same path where the buyers are may be difficult for you. Here arises a need for you to know the buying behavior (personas) of your customers. Things which become important for you to know about your customers are:

  • To know who your customers are
  • To know why they want to buy
  • To know what they want to buy
  • To know how they find sellers
  • To know when they buy

With the help of the above points, you may have a fair idea of what buyers’ personas are. And the next question that might pop up into your mind may be –why are buyers’ personas important to know? Or, what main role do they have in B2B businesses? You’ll soon discover why they are important to know.

Helpful In Making Sales Process Effective
Plenty of B2B businesses have a hard time knowing their buyers’ behaviors. They fail to understand what their customers want and at what speed they’re changing. By conducting several researches, B2B businesses can fairly understand who their buyers are, and what expectations and goals they carry. And this bunch of information can help you make your sales process effective.

Get The Right Alignment With Your Buyers
Maybe you own a good business and are very clear and definite about it. But not getting in alignment with the customers can prove to be dangerous for your business. Buyers’ personas help you align yourself with the buyers. You get to know that what critical-paths you need to walk on to easily reach the customers. Some of the benefits of getting in alignment are:

  • Derives 1/3 more deals
  • Decreases the time of sales cycle by 50%

Helpful In Decision Making
No doubt that buyers’ personas bring forth great insights about the behavior and motivation of the buyers. buyers’ personas might seem simple in structure, but the information they carry is highly useful and powerful. And this information can benefit various decisions during the sales-process. Through these personas, B2B businesses can know the requirements and expectations of the customers.

Helpful In Deriving Great Results
According to multiple studies, B2B businesses that got insights from buyers’ personas and shaped their strategies accordingly outperformed their competitors. These personas help you know how you can keep your customers at the centre of your sales strategies to earn great benefits. And the surveys also show that personas have always played a great role in the improvement of B2B businesses.

Helpful In Marketing Strategies
Marketing needs a reasonable sense about who your customers are and what drives their buying behaviors. You know that shooting an arrow in the air can’t bring any good results. And you really need to plan great marketing strategies because you may have to spend a good deal on them and they’re meant to increase your sales. When you know your customers personas like when they buy and how they find sellers, you can come up with strong marketing strategies for your business.

Personas bring an understanding of your customer’s needs or desires, and this understanding can enormously help you steer your sales and marketing strategies. If you want to see your business grow, you’d better not underestimate the value of customers’ personas.

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