Solar Panels- A Great Contribution to Greener World

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Last Updated: 2021-08-09

How Solar Panel Works and What is the Lifecycle of a Solar Panel

Mankind has been bestowed with renewable resources for a prolonged time. Among various renewable resources like wind energy, geothermal energy, hydro energy, and biomass energy, solar energy is a vital resource that has been helping us for ages!

For appropriate utilization of solar power, the industry of science & technology gave birth to solar panels. For decades, solar panels are being widely utilized for various purposes.

Right from producing electricity for watching TV, washing laundry, using AC, and a lot more, solar panels can simplify daily tasks. When solar panel comes into contact with sunlight, the photovoltaic phenomena get active.

The electrons are emitted that convert sun rays & heat into solar energy through panels. For a simplified understanding of the functionality, life cycle, and solar panel price, you'll get to know a lot more in the write-up ahead. Continue reading to find some interesting knowledge.

Working Functionality of Solar Panels

I. Structure of Solar Panels

Solar panels have interesting functionality. Solar panel manufacturers in India construct these panels using photovoltaic cells or solar cells. These are constituted in two layers made using silicon. Since silicon is a conductor of electricity, it is integrated with the panel along with a metal frame. The layer protects all solar cells from outer damage. All solar panels are installed in groups and they absorb solar energy during solar hours.

II. Role of Solar Inverter

For easy conversion and utilization, installing a solar inverter becomes vital for users. Solar panels absorb direct current (DC) charged electrons but cannot convert them into alternating current (AC). Since most households in India are powered by alternating current (AC), installing solar inverters can transform/convert DC into AC. These play the role of mediator that manipulates and converts the flow of charge.

III. Conversion from DC to AC

Soon after the conversion from DC to AC, the energy is distributed in the main power line and it functions just like the usual power supply one gets through the power grid. A meter is installed to determine the consumption of power. It is a small meter mounted behind solar panels and connected to the usual utility meter. The overall consumption is read through that meter.

Life of Solar Panels

Solar panels are sturdy because they are specifically designed to withstand every weather condition. According to solar panel suppliers, a solar panel lives up to 25-26 years with adequate maintenance. 8 out of 10 solar panel manufacturers in India guarantee a life of 25 years for solar panels.

For initial 10-15 years, individuals will not face issues. However, solar panels tend to lose their power of absorbing sunlight with time. It occurs at a snail's pace and a prominent reason could be loss of chemical potency. It is known as the degradation rate.

Degrading in solar panels is common and happens with all solar panels. But, the degradation rate depends on the quality of the panel. The higher the quality, the lower the degradation rate of solar panels.

Also, it is a pivotal factor that determines the solar panel cost in the market. Most solar panel manufacturers in India provide panels with a degradation rate of 0.3%. It clearly means the performance would be outstanding!

Wrapping Up

As global warming is upscaling, more and more people are inclining towards sustaining lives on renewable resources. It is the wisest gesture for contributing to a greener world and living economically. Installing and using solar panels is the greatest way to sustain on renewable source of energy and saving a lot of money. If youre already using solar panels, congratulations! If you want to use it, get an inspection done & commence the installation work. Youll contribute to a greener world by using solar panels.

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