Selection of Name for Business

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Last Updated: 2014-04-28

Selection-For-Business---EIThey say, 'What's in a name?', but when it comes to business and marketing, it matters a lot! Coining a name for any business is, certainly, not an easy task. Some argue that a name should be unique and informative, while others say it has to be short and impactful. To put it plainly, a winning business name should only be such that it potentially draws business in itself and contributes towards profit & money making. So if you are setting up a new business and done with all those business name brainstorming sessions yet clueless about the name that ideally represents your trade, worry no more! Simply go through these rules to select the best name or setup for your business.

  • Memorable & Easy To Spell: Choose a name that the potential customers can easily remember. Also, it has to be easy-to-spell so that the clients can conveniently find your business in a phone book, directory or online. For instance, nothing could be worse for your business than a complex name like "Crychalwellyn" that cannot be retained in the memory for long and is extremely difficult to spell.
  • Relevant To Your Business: An ideal business name must give a clear idea to the clients about the business you actually do. Basically, it should be relatable to the nature of your business. For Example, the use of the word "landscaping" in the name by the firms that are involved in landscaping businesses or the inclusion of words like "hair design" or "salon" by hair stylists.
  • Positive Undertone: A wining business name must include words that have positive connotations so that it can build up emotional associations with people. Choose a name that exhibits strength and reliability. For instance, a name like "Stone Creek Trucking" would be much better than "Kitten Transport".
  • Visually Impactful: The incorporation of a visual element into the name of your business is a powerful advertising tool. Like the "Crychalwellyn" surely does not pop any image and the does not enable the client or reader to visualize anything about the business.

Thus, the above mentioned quick pointers or rather rules certainly describe what an ideal business name should be like in order to attract clients and contribute towards the success of the business.

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