Right Company Profile: Your Key To Success In The B2B Segment.

By: Gaurav Batra In: B2B Last Updated: 2010-07-19

The unprecedented growth registered by the B2B Portal has inspired Right Company Profile.many to use this new and innovative business marketing strategy to promote and enhance their business. Its impact has been further strengthened by the entry of global players in the regional, national and international B2B market segment. In spite of its growing importance and usage, business enterprises haven't really exploited this means of marketing to the fullest.

Where does the problem lie?
Unlike the direct marketing, B2B uses unconventional methods of presenting the company and its products. In this segment, most of the business is done on the basis of trust a client places on the company by looking at its credentials and achievements. This trust can only be built by presenting the company in such a manner that it can convince the buyer to trust the products & services offered by it.

And the Answer lies in...
One of the easiest way by which this trust can be built is by presenting the Company Profile of the company with all its details in the most significant way that it offers comprehensive coverage of the facts.

Some of the very easy, common and at the same time very important points, which a company should consider while preparing its company profile for B2B Portals are:

While registering for a B2B portal, one should ensure that basic details related to the company are listed correctly and prominently. The common details which are a must for any company profile are:

  • Nature of business i.e. manufacturer, supplier and/or exporter etc.
  • Contact Details

?Address of manufacturing units, franchise, registered office
? Email id (preferably the one which is used habitually)
? Phone numbers
? Name of the contact person

  • Background as well as achievements.

? Turnover
? Certifications
? Awards

These details not only provide information about the company but also add value to the company and its business operations.

Whenever a buyer, approaches a B2B portal, he has thousands of options to choose from, therefore it is very necessary to be listed in a suitable category or sector. This is very important to ensure that your potential client can easily find you among your peers dealing in same or similar products. E.g. listing of a Garment Manufacturing unit and Fabric Supplier should be done separately. This practice not only leads to maximum trade or business inquiries but also ensure that the client is pleased by the navigational ease, which inspires it to undertake business activities with your company.

Profile Management
Any company using a B2B medium, should lay extra emphasis upon its profile management, because regular up gradation of the profile with latest information, portrays the company as an active B2B player who considers online transactions and marketing as it prime business strategy. Profile Management is the best way by which the company can build a bond of trust between itself and the clients.

Membership Type
B2B portals offer several types of membership, right from Free Membership to different kinds of registered membership depending upon the needs and requirements of the clients. Generally, a company, which is registered as a Free Member is not preferred by the clients and therefore has limited prospects of availing the business benefits offered by a B2B portal. A paid member avails prime listings, regular inquiries and efficient profile management, which leads to better business prospects.

Delivery Time and Package
A Company must mention the details related to the maximum amount of trade deal that it can offer to its clients along with the time required to deliver the consignment or the ordered package. This helps the client to decide if the company is the one it has been looking for or not.

By following the above mentioned common ways of creating Right Company Profile, businesses can direct their operations in B2B segment towards growth and progress by building trust & long term business relationship with its clients.

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