Online Classified Ads - Advantages Offered Over Newspaper Classifieds

By: Gaurav Batra In: Sales & Marketing Last Updated: 2011-05-30

Advertising through online classifieds is not just one of the latest marketing tools on the block but a concept that has changed the marketing sphere altogether. While classifieds have always remained a much soughtafter means of reaching a wider audience at lower costs, Online Classified Ads have changed the game for consumers as well as businesses across the world. Just like newspapers and magazines have been a medium of publishing the standard classified advertisements, the growth of the online media has spawned many websites displaying such classifieds catering to an extensive range of businesses. But before you go ahead and enlist yourself for promotion on such websites, be aware of all the attractive benefits that you can avail as discussed below:

Reaching The Global Market : Businesses across the world today, irrespective of operating in the B2B or B2C sphere are well-aware of the reach of the web. Printed classifieds are restricted to certain pages that can be easily skipped by the readers but when it comes to Online Classifieds, one can never deny their presence. As more and more people are switching over the internet in place of the printed medium to avail information for any purpose, marketers are strategically placing ads at every webpage to attract and direct the viewers towards certain products or services. Dropping restrictions of space and on scope of advertising, online classifieds have also broken the geographical barriers to reach a wider market than before and driven the sales volumes to a new high.

Substantial Money Savings : Classifieds printed in the Newspapers have limited information that is mainly displayed due to the elevated costs associated with a full-blown advertisement. With online classifieds, one can not only save while advertizing more content about the business but also have the ads published more frequently and at more places at lesser costs.

Bigger, Bolder, Better : As far as viewer attention is concerned, Online Ads make a much more impactful point and also provide instant brand recall, as the adverts are more eye-catching. Also, online viewers browse through classifieds while specifically looking for a products/service so there are more chances of the advertisement being noticed.

There are a host of other benefits as well, if you do get in touch with one of the best directories displaying classifieds that ring the cash registers for your business. Surely with some careful searching you can get hold of one for excellent promotion that works wonders for you.

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