Mobile Marketing: The Mantra To Target The New B2B Buyers

By: Gaurav Batra In: Sales & Marketing Last Updated: 2018-06-22
Mobile Marketing and the New B2B Buyer
Gone are the days when businesses used to rely on the human element to build personal relationships with the B2B buyers for branding. The business sales, growth, and customer loyalty pivoted on this relationship between the business and its customers. However, with the onset of digital technology, this dynamics changed. Today’s B2B buyers are tech-savvy beings and do not seek any interaction with a sales rep until they are at the last step of making a purchase. They depend largely on their mobile devices to perform extensive research about the company and its products before reaching a decision. This new B2B buyer generation who has an increased inclination towards their mobile phones has made mobile marketing the mantra for the marketers to target more leads and boost sales. A research by Google, partnered with The Boston Consulting Group, also testifies that B2B marketers across all industry verticals are using mobile marketing to influence more than 40% of their revenue. Mobile marketing is the ‘it’ thing in today’s era of new B2B buyers. So, it’s important to understand the new B2B buyer first and then identify how mobile marketing has become the mantra to target this new B2B buyer.
The New B2B Buyer
The era of new B2B buyers has dawned upon the B2B ecosystem. The new generation of online B2B buyers knows how to play the digital game and succeed in it. Things have changed for the new B2B buyers. They spend more time on their smartphones researching the products and do not want to contact any sales rep until they’re done with their bit of research. Today, more than 80% B2B buyers are turning to mobile computing at their work and 70% or more have increased their mobile usage in the past few years. The new B2B buyers have higher expectations from the B2B businesses and marketers on the information part instead of the sales part. They want more information to be presented to them online mediated through a strong online presence that offers a seamless experience.
Mobile Marketing: The Mantra To Target The New B2B Buyers
With the dawn of the new generation of B2B buyers, mobile marketing has gained significance. B2B marketers are inclining towards mobile marketing to grasp the attention of the young, tech-savvy decision makers, who majorly use their smartphones for work. Indeed, mobile has penetrated its root in the B2B marketing ecosphere and the businesses are leveraging it to target the new B2B buyer.
  • Building Customer Loyalty With Positive Mobile UX
According to a study, 90% of the B2B buyers have admitted having returned to a company that offered a great mobile buying experience for further purchase. The new B2B buyer expects a positive mobile user experience from the businesses to become loyal to them. Businesses that offer a better mobile UX tend to get more leads and turn them into loyal clients.
  • Creating Higher User Engagement
Mobile marketing engages the new B2B buyers on the device they are most active on throughout the day. With more than 80% of the new B2B buyer turning towards mobile computing at work, it is imperative that businesses target these buyers through mobile marketing to get their attention and engage them for further sale. The businesses can target the buyer with alerts, notifications, deals etc., on their mobile phones and expect better engagement in return.
  • Addressing B2B Buyer’s Needs On-The-Go
The new B2B buyer wants the businesses to address their needs on the go. This is where mobile marketing comes to play. The businesses need to address all the varying needs of the new B2B buyer on their mobile phones. Whether it is through push notifications or mobile SMS, businesses can find different ways to address the needs of the new B2B buyer who is mostly on the move.
  • Speeding Up The Sales Process
Unlike B2C selling, where prompt purchase decisions are a common thing, B2B purchase requires a lot of research, making it a lengthy process. According to a study, buyers who work through traditional channels but are using their mobile phones extensively take less than 49 days from lead generation to purchase; whereas, it took 84 days for the B2B buyers without a mobile to make a purchase. Thus, businesses can leverage the power of mobile marketing to speed up their sales process.
As soon as the businesses started understanding the modern B2B buyer, they realized that mobile is the present as well as the future. Mobile marketing is the marketing for the new B2B buyer and targeting them on mobile is the logical thing to do for the businesses.

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