Making An Effective Product Catalog For A Business

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Growth Last Updated: 2013-09-18

A Product Catalog is very important for any business. It provides vital information to the customers and clients. Apart from one or more product links, the catalog can additionally give information about other advertising and marketing efforts. It will also tell what a company does online. By going through a company's Product Catalog, interested customers can review and know about its products and services themselves, without feeling forced by a salesperson to buy a particular product. Thus, it is an intimate way for customers to know about company's offerings. Product Catalog portrays the products in an amazing way with the help of finely detailed photographs and full-color spreads. It is recommended that to get an excellent professional catalog, experienced copywriters, graphic artists and photographers should be appointed. To make a Product Catalog, following instructions should be followed:

  • Sales data should be reviewed to know whom should the Product Catalog target. New opportunities to appeal niche markets should be examined.
  • Top-selling products should be determined by accessing sales data. The most prominently sold products should be depicted in large photographs. Other products that need to be included can have smaller pictures.
  • Company's sales team should get feedbacks from satisfied customers. The product features that impress them the most should be included in the catalog copy descriptions.
  • A unique layout should be developed by experienced art director, graphic designer and copywriter. The desired theme, style and appeal should be achieved so that it may have a impact on the target audience.
  • Communications goals should be set in accordance with the key information about the products and the desired tone that is to be used.
  • A Product Catalog should highlight customer service capabilities. It includes live telephone customer service, ordering options and troubleshooting. Some pages should focus on customer service like 24 hours telephone ordering and live customer care executives.
  • A meeting with art director, copywriter, photographer and stylist should be held. The Product Catalog should be reviewed to see whether it is in alignment with desired communication objectives and obligatory goals.
  • The copy should be checked carefully by an editor for any error in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Also, the product should be in conformity with its right model numbers and prices.
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