Logos- The Best Way For Small Business Houses To Create A Unique Identity

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Last Updated: 2012-05-28

If you are an entrepreneur running a small business setup, then there are many chances that you are constantly on the lookout for pocket friendly ways of creating a unique identity of your company. Thus, it becomes essential for you to have a well-designed logo for your company.

What Is A Logo?
A logo is generally a small identification mark of a company which generally consists of an image, the company's name or its initials and, if required, the tagline of the company. With Logos, companies hope to make their presence felt in the market amidst associates, stakeholders and consumers by attaching labels with logos on their products, packaging material, paperwork, etc.

What Are The Essentials Of Logo Designing?
Logo designing is a work of extreme responsibility and creativity. Thus, while getting a logo designed for your company, keep into consideration the following:

1. Proper Color Scheme:
You must be aware that each color exhibits a certain emotion. Thus, it is important that the color scheme used in the Logo of your company reflects the ideology of your company.

2. Logo Design Should Be In Accordance With The Business:
Don't get attracted by Logo Designs that seem to be very cute, flashy or very cool. What is important is that the design and structure of the Logo reflects the type of business you do.

3. Recall Value:
Though the Logo must be attractive yet it does not mean that the design should be confusing. Thus, an ideal Logo is simple and eye catchy yet high on recall value.

4. Uniqueness:
It is one of the most important aspects of logo designing. The logo of two companies must never be alike especially when they belong to the same industry. Thus, the Logo Design for your company should be exclusive and it should be sufficient in itself to get your company identified amidst thousands. Industrialization has lead to tough competition in almost all the fields. Thus, it is mandatory for all the business houses, particularly small scale companies to create a one of a kind identification mark. Logos serve the purpose effectively without having to invest much.
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