Latest High Ranking Agendas For SMBS

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Last Updated: 2011-06-13

Any small or medium sized business (SMB) must have figured out by now, that 2010 was the year of many technological upheavals and economical fluctuations. Well, 2011 has started on a good note but who knows what lies ahead? So, it becomes very essential for SMBs to gear up and have a ready strategy at hand as per its business needs to get ahead in face of the growing competition. Some of the upcoming agendas that must rank high on the priorities of the SMBs are mentioned below:

Facebook and Twitter: Powerful Tools For Your Business The popularity of these two social networking giants may be neck-to-neck but one thing is for sure that your business is set to take a leap if it is registered with these websites. With millions of accounts being opened on a regular basis, these websites have taken the centre stage as the perfect online marketing tools and the benefits just keep on coming.

The Social Networking Advantage

  • No cost of registration
  • Perfect tool for generation of leads through promotions, announcement of new collections/contests/discount offers and more
  • Easy access for customer servicing and building brand loyalty
  • Much better than word-of-mouth advertizing

Grab Your Place At Google Places No matter where your business is located, you just got to have it listed at Google Places. Right from offering associates a chance to track your location, highlighting your business when a person is searching for a particular product to ranking your business higher on local searches, Google Places can do it all. These pages include product/service information, images, reviews and many other things that can position your business more favorably than ever before!

Monitor And Track, Be The Eagle Eye, Interact And Succeed It is a known fact, that you cannot let any grey-areas in your business strategy impede it. In addition to the ratings and reviews, now you can see how others are reacting to your products and services through the social sites such as Facebook, Youtube and Twitter. You can also set up Google Alerts as well as do some damage control by curbing negative comments. By tracking, you can check the success of your marketing campaign.

The basic idea is to evolve with the latest technologies and strategies in the market if you want to stay on top of the cutthroat competition. Today it is social networking sites and Google Tools; tomorrow it may be a different story. So be prepared to progress and success will be yours!

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