How to Write a Business Proposal

By: Gaurav Batra In: B2B Last Updated: 2010-03-19

A shop without customers is a failure. Similarly a business without sufficient orders collapses. How can a business be saved from such a doom? Yes, Effective marketing is the key to promote a business. After a business is incepted its marketing strategies are being carved out in order to sustain in the market. Many marketing strategies have been devised in order to attain maximum promotion; business proposal is one of those strategies.

What is a business proposal ? It is a written document carrying the details about:

  • Company's goals
  • Its offerings
  • Why and how your business is different from others in the market

It is written in formal language using professional format.

Why do you think a business proposal in needed?
A business proposal becomes very necessary :

  • When applying for a loan from a bank or any other financial institution
  • When sending your details to a potential customer

Many of you want to know how you can draft an effective business proposal. We give you the procedure and tips that will assist you to frame a perfect business proposal.


  • Talk to an experience person who has already written business proposals. The person can guide you about what to avoid and what to write.
  • Always cite the sources while mentioning the market opportunity.
  • Ensure that the proposal is short and yet informative.
  • Highlight the points that makes your company stand out among others in the same field: points like yours experience, skills, achievements, any new technology that you use, etc. should be clearly mentioned.
  • Clearly mention about your potential customers and the reason behind targeting them.
  • Describe your marketing plan in a nutshell.
  • Give details about the people that are the authority holders in the company along with their qualifications and experience.
  • Give a brief account about the profit you expect to generate in a year and the money need to be invested.

Important things to remember

  • Language used while writing a proposal shall be simple and formal.
  • Ensure that the document contains no grammatical and spell errors.
  • Formatting of the document should be simple.

Thus using our tips we assure that you can frame a business document that is effectual. It will turn as an imperative tool for both getting you the best of deals and also loans from the banks.

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