How to Maximize Your Return from Internet Classified Ads

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Last Updated: 2011-09-05

With the advent of the Internet, online marketing is rapidly gaining momentum. Possibly the greatest aspect of online marketing is the audience that exists online. Millions of people around the world use the Internet to look for products, services and information. While there are a multitude of marketing methods to reach the staggering numbers of online shoppers, one of the best ways is advertising. You not only get to reach those large numbers, but you are also able to target your niche market. But like most forms of marketing, advertising requires a financial investment. In order to maximize your return on investment and make money, apply the following advice.

    • Do not use the company ad: Most companies provide with pre-written classified ads and while you may view this as a bonus, the truth is unless you're among the first people using the marketing creative; the ad is no longer hugely effective. Chances are the ad and graphics have been seen before and users look right past it. It is best to be creative and write your own ad.
    • Use a catchy headline: This seems obvious since your goal is get the readers' attention. However, in addition to your word choice you may also want to consider applying attention grabbing characters and other formatting styles.
    • Avoid selling the product in your ad: Though the purpose of advertising is to create sales or awareness, the purpose of your ad is to sell the click not the product. Your website or follow up email should follow through with your advertising purpose.
    • Ask for "premium real estate": Premium real estate or top spots are places where your ad will stand apart from the many others advertising their product. Your ad can get lost or scrolled over as people get tired of reading. To get your ad to stand out ask for the top spot and be prepared to pay a little extra.
    • Be easy to do business with: You should have an understanding of the publisher's rules about formatting and line length before you send the advertisement. Also check your ad for working links and correct spelling. This is not the publisher's job, it's yours and it is worth doing if you want to maximize your return on investment.

The above tips can be used to run effective ads reaching the online audience out there seeking your product and ensuring maximum returns on investment.

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1 thoughts on "How to Maximize Your Return from Internet Classified Ads"
  • The classified sites are used to promote a website or a product. And classified sites start returning of initial costs within some days.

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