Help Your Export Business Succeed With Cultural Awareness Training

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Last Updated: 2011-04-18

In the present era of globalization we find the boundaries of countries shrinking and the world becoming a smaller place. This concept has had a noticeable effect in the global business scenario. With technological developments taking place every day, we witness an increase in the phenomenon of overseas trade. It thus becomes important for exporters to provide certain amount of cultural awareness training to the employees.

When undertaking a business venture that is spread across the global seas, it is important to be acquainted with the language and culture of the countries you are dealing with. Many exporters hire staff that is proficient in various languages to ensure smooth dealings with the clients. What is equally important is to know about the culture of that particular country. Having awareness about the cultural aspect of a particular country helps to establish a good rapport with the clients situated there and thereby in getting profitable deals.

People like it when you communicate in their language and understand their values. So selling a product or service this way becomes much more easy and effective. Every country follows its own distinct set of business etiquettes. Having cultural awareness training therefore helps in gaining better understanding of these etiquettes thus ensuring smooth deals. It brings goodwill and credibility for the company as the impression formed is of a dedicated and efficient firm. This training not only helps in gaining customers but also retaining them.

Cultural awareness training helps in building better working relationships with the overseas clients. It not only shows your proficiency but also an extra effort from your side to serve the clients well. This results in an increased level of trust in your company, thus strengthening your position in the export market. This training also saves time and money wasted due to lack of basic cultural knowledge and the resulting communication gap conflicts. It is an effective tool which results in economies of scale and economies of operation by strengthening your client base. Therefore, implementing language and cultural skills in your export strategy is sure to give you an upper edge over your competitors and take your export business forward by leaps and bounds.

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