Five Simple Steps to Increase Sales with E-Newsletters

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Last Updated: 2010-01-09

With the world entering the 21st century, computers have taken over most of the controls. Whether it is trade, education, security, etc., all are managed with the help of computers. Promotion of a business is of major concern; newsletters are subscribed by a user in order to receive the latest updates of a company or any other institution or association. As a person subscribe to various newsletters, he will go through only those that are attractive and contain sufficient information. So a newsletter must be written with focus on providing complete information to the subscribers.

Here are 5 useful steps that will help you to design a newsletter that will increase sales of your enterprise.

Informative and Helpful: If a newsletter is not read by a user, he will never subscribe to it. It should be highly informative and thus useful to the person reading it. Nobody wants to read lengthy material, short and yet informative should be the format of any newsletter.

Interactive: A newsletter must have an interactive approach; it should involve a reader in it. A reader should be allowed to give their opinions and suggestions. Also, they should be made an active part of surveys. This will help your company to acquire a community and thus increase your company's sales.

Advertise your business: Apart from the information, your newsletter should be filled with advertisements regarding your services. Use of creative links on your newsletter will help generating more traffic on your site. Advertising of live demos, free consultations, white papers and webinars will help the visitors relate to your sales.

Attractive Incentives must be offered : Offer attractive incentives to the subscribers who forward your newsletter or give referrals to their colleagues and friends. You can provide them with white papers and if the result of the forwards is a new subscriber, then a thank you note (probably of some value) should be offered. It should also be ensured that your off-line referrals are also promoted in your newsletter.

Measure results: Tracking your newsletter followers is a must. If you will have complete information of what is the most clicked thing and what is the least, you will able to frame an idea of the material that should be added to the next newsletter. Sharing the results with the sales team can help your company to work on their weak and strong points and thus increase their sales.

Thus these 5 simple steps must be incorporated while designing as well as managing your company's newsletter. These will help creating a newsletter that is highly useful for the sales team as it provides various quality leads.

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