Features Of B2B Marketplace Portals.

By: Gaurav Batra In: B2B Last Updated: 2010-10-04

With the advent of globalization, it has become necessary for corporate Features Of B2B Marketplacefirms to have an online presence. With the birth of B2B e-commerce, there has been an unprecedented increase in the international trade through business directories and business portals. These B2B directories act as an open platform & open a gateway for buyers and sellers to interact with each other freely. The companies can get listed on B2B marketplace portals and promote their business and the products and services they offer effectively. Besides, this form of net marketing is proving as an effectual tool for branding ones image and giving wider exposure to the offerings.

B2B marketplace has hailed as a powerful business tool where one can easily browse through a plethora of suppliers, wholesalers, exporters, importers, etc. Besides, the systematic categorization of the corporate firms on the basis of industry adds to the major advantage, which further eases the task of browsing for buyers and sellers.

Features of B2B Marketplace Portals:

  • Registration of buyers/suppliers.
  • Products or services are offered by Suppliers.
  • Additional details are given by the suppliers for allowing buyers to select prospective suppliers.
  • Additional checks are provided by the portal for ensuring qualification of its suppliers: research, credit and references.
  • A proper mechanism is provided by the portal which eases search for suppliers.
  • Secret or hidden form of offers or bids can be included.
  • On behalf of the buyers, the B2B directories hold deposits until and unless the seller meets the delivery.
  • Contractual elements of transactions can be supported and audit trail for purchase as well as invoicing can be included.
  • Demand from multiple buyers can be aggregated.
  • Long lasting or short term relationships can be formed.
  • Fees can be charged from buyers and suppliers or little percent of contract can be negotiated.
  • An independent marketplace can be created.

So, after reading the write-up, you must have got a clearer idea about the features and functioning of an online B2B marketplace portal.

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