Excelling At B2B Sales In Tough Times.

By: Gaurav Batra In: B2B Last Updated: 2011-01-31

Are you doing everything to build that precious B2B sales pipeline but not getting the results? Are your best strategies failing in the face of difficult phases like recession? Well, if the answer is yes for you and you think that the environment is getting more stressful and competitive, then you are not alone. Many companies are facing different issues that are hampering the way they work, with their morale being affected the worst. But there's still some hope as some companies who are doing their 'B2B Sales Bit' the right way are racing ahead. Want to know how? Read on.

  • It is high time that you re-evaluate the points about not just what needs to be done but also what can make even the best strategies go wrong. Do a thorough analysis, not a simple overview.
  • Sure you hired qualified and smart people for the job and think that you are paying them for their efforts but even the best of the best can hit a roadblock at times. Now you need something to push them for that out-of-the-box approach, so invest some time and money in training your workforce to get them cracking. You can achieve this by:
    • Arranging short-term refresher trainings to check what is going wrong and also let them interact with industry experts.
    • Arranging workshops to renew their zeal in their line of work and also do some damage control.
    • Arranging seminars to let them know about what their collective efforts can do for the business and what the company is doing for them. Increase their confidence and initiative-taking ability.
  • Leave the old school approach behind and get to the root of the issues that your customers are facing. It is a sure shot way to build a quality sales leads that will be loyal to you.

Take measures to reduce the apprehensions, anxiety and tensions associated with the problems. With this you can even deal with the lack of resources as the mindset of the people will be altered. Then they will truly see even the toughest competitors as a solution from where they can learn to beat the worst times.

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