4 Effective Ways To Boost B2B Sales Leads

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Last Updated: 2018-01-25
B2B Sales Leads
Selling in B2B has exceptionally evolved in the past few years. Earlier the the entire process of buying decision was usually wrapped up in a meeting of 2-3 persons, today dedicated teams of B2B experts are remain engaged in researching the information online and 70% of the decision-making process revolves around their findings, before even engaging with any sales representative. This change in the behavior and demand of the B2B buyers is shaping the way B2B marketers approach them. Instead of focusing on the latter 30% of the sales process (including pricing, discounts, offers etc.), the astute B2B marketers are now focusing more on the initial 70% of buyers journey to close more leads.
Indeed this has increased the sales process duration by 22% but the real challenge lies in engaging the buyer in the earlier part of the decision-making process without which it is almost impossible to have bright chances of sales-lead success. So here we are, with some handy ways to target and engage the buyers at the beginning of the buyer journey itself and subsequently boost B2B sale leads. So, without wasting any time, have a look at the 4 effective ways to boost B2B sales leads.
  • Curate Value Content At Regular Interval
More than 89% of the total B2B buyers and decision markers research the product online before reaching any conclusion. Among them, 51% buyers or more rely on content in their research. Curating valuable content and posting it out at regular intervals is one of the best ways to get your promote your product out to the public. According to a Demand Gen Report, 93% of the B2B buyers want content that does not seem like a sales pitch and informs or educates them in some way. Instead of adopting a sales or promotional tone in the content, share the product details, usage instructions, and other valuable content with the buyers through the content. Doing so can shape the buyers impression about your business and push them further in sales funnel.
  • Provide Consistent Value Through Newsletter
The average gross open rate of emails consisting of newsletters has turned out to be 50% more than the open rate of normal emails. Make use of the email list and start sending out newsletters regularly to constantly remind the buyer of your presence. A quick understanding of the modern B2B buyer tells us that merely sending out the articles and blogs published on the website in the form of newsletters would not suffice. It is important to employ a team of writers dedicated to writing fresh newsletters informing and educating the buyers about the products. This would establish your presence among the buyers and keep your business on top of their mind whenever they start their search for vendors.
  • Up Your Social Media Game
Social media game has become stronger than ever. Those B2B sellers who have leveraged the power of social media reaped great results with their sales leads. A Social Media Examiner report even suggests that more than 66% of the B2B marketers who invest more than six hours of their week in social media marketing witness a visible boost in lead generation. Overcome the belief that social media is not corporate enough for B2B marketing and up your social media game for more leads. LinkedIn, trusted by more than 85% of the B2B buyers for consuming or sharing content, is the most effective social media platform. Various industry-specific groups are available on this platform that you can target with your content.
  • Turn To Email Marketing Automation
Marketing automation is one of the leading digital marketing trends for 2018. And emails are considered as the most effective lead generation channel by 64% B2B marketers. Combining both these strategies together for email marketing automation can lead to a significant increase in sales lead generation in 2018. The marketing automation software can help in sending out targeted emails to the right audience at the right time. Email marketing automation will help the B2B buyers in sending out personalized emails at the time of certain actions. This automation would not just cut down the efforts put by human capital but also targeting the B2B buyer with the desired content, at the right time in their sales journey.
Whether it is creating valuable content, sending regular newsletters, leveraging social media or email marketing automation, B2B marketers can use these effective ways to boost their sales leads. Start by trying these strategies one-by-one in your marketing plan and keep measuring the results. Finally, incorporate all the four in your marketing to maximize your gains.

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