Compliance Of Import-Export Law, Complex But Necessary

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Last Updated: 2011-12-22

It is well known fact that all merchandise coming into India has to clear customs and is subject to a customs duty, unless specifically exempted by law. Therefore, it is highly important for a Trader to understand this process, along with its functional sensitivity and complexity.

What does 'Clearance' involve? Well, plenty of things, from steps-entry, classification, inspection to appraisement and liquidation. Above all, the final formality gets fixed only after proper verification and counterchecks by the customs department. But besides all this, it becomes the duty of the trader to import or export dutiable value of merchandise for its smooth clearance.

There are certain companies which take the help of CHAs on external arrangement basis. But it is quite alarming to know that these companies will disappear as they do not hold any legal identity. Further, it is even shocking to find that they cannot make any representation of your company in case you get tangled in any allied legal dispute. In such a situation, your business will not only go topsy-turvy roller-coasting on the heaps of stress, but will also get stuck in the same hinging complexity for a longer time span. The CHA is an unavoidable conduit between the shipper, the consignee, customs and other government agencies. And there is no doubt that it is an essential job of CHAs to assure that the import export is in compliance with all laws and regulations.

Therefore, if you want your goods to get clearance from customs, it's time you stop relying on 'good for nothing' agencies. Pull your socks and get ready to deal with the situation by knowing on your own about the documents which are necessary for the clearance or getting in touch with reputed service providers who can provide professional assistance so as to avoid delays and save money as well.

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