Benefits of Importing and Exporting

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Growth Last Updated: 2012-01-12

Many of the companies are satisfied by acquiring customers in the domestic marketplace. They find the expansion of the market for their goods in the international marketplace a complicated task. Export and import of goods broadens the scope for more clients and the profit from them. In spite of the various advantageous results of exporting and importing the business enterprises are enlisted as the exporters or the importers. Many facts can lead to the less enthusiasm of companies for the profits from the international customers. Some of them are:

  • It is because of their short-sightedness that they do not see the profit behind the effort of spreading the business among international clients.
  • In some cases the company wants to venture in the international market, but is unaware of the right way to do that.
  • Some companies have the dream to embark on the international platform but lack the necessary incentives.

There are many other reasons that dissuade people from landing their goods across the worldwide. But, if we start counting the benefits from exporting and importing, then the obstacles in the way to exporting and importing seem very trivial. When a company gains acclaim in the international market for the quality of its goods and the services, then surely it adds more stars to its domestic acclaim. There are many other benefits of exporting/importing. These benefits are:

  • Increase of sales: as the market for goods broadens, sale increases
  • Makes your company/brand internationally recognizable
  • Generating economies of scale in production
  • Rise in the profit level
  • Exploring previously untapped markets
  • Broadens the understanding of the customer's demands: With the increase in the number of clients, the company also gets to know about varied market trends. This helps the companies in bringing about modification in their products.
  • Insulating seasonal domestic sales by finding new foreign markets.
  • Outmaneuvering competitors.
  • Improving your return on investments.
  • Creating jobs: The companies, in order to expand the market, recruit candidates who are experts in the respective fields.
  • Enriching our country: A particular amount of the return on investment goes to the government. This helps in enriching the country's economy.

If the companies consider the above benefits, then they would not be able to say no to the benefits coming from exporting and importing. If the initial blocks in the route of international venture are removed, then there is a very high probability of companies getting benefited from the international trading.

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