Beating Your Competitors: Some Effective Tips

By: Gaurav Batra In: B2B Last Updated: 2010-09-06

Have you been worried lately about your competitors and how they can be extremely harmful for the growth of your business? Then it's time to take some serious action. There is no need to worry rather it would be more effective if you start formulating effective strategies to beat your competitors at their own game. Here, are listed some of the most useful tips to help you emerge as the winner in this competitive business game.

Analyze The Market Do you really think you know your market? Then think again. If you are making new strategies then don't think your competitors are sitting idle. They are observing you as well. If you want to beat them at this competition then thoroughly analyze the market before launching any new products or redesigning your current products. Know the need of the buyers and also analyze the latest trends.

Focus On Specific Markets To beat the competition, you need to focus on certain major markets instead of trying to create your share in each and every market. Analyze those markets in which your hold is the weakest or those which are the fastest growing. After properly analyzing that market, start implementing new strategies of promotion like e-marketing, telemarketing and free classifieds.

Focus On Specific Competitors You might be having thousands of competitors but surely you do not have adequate resources to deal with all of them. The best strategy would be to focus on those competitors who are more prone to losing the market share due to unwanted changes in their products, personnel, strategies, etc. Keep certain competitors at the top of your list but be sure that you analyze all the others as well as you do not want to ignore any potential threats to your business. Also, keep a close watch on all the new and upcoming businesses.

Spend Money.. Increase Sales At times, there are major downturns in the market due to which many businesses are reluctant to spend money on advertising or marketing. This is the time when you can spend money generously and use effective strategies to market your product. If you are the sole business undertaking advertising and marketing activities while all the others are hesitating to spend even a single penny then you will be successful in gaining a huge market share in times of downturn and carve a niche for yourself in the market.

SWOT Analysis It would be highly advisable to analyze your business's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats as they would be helpful in gaining an overview of your own business, which would help you in implementing effective strategies.

If you keep all the above mentioned points in mind then it would be highly effective in helping you gain a special share in the market, which cannot be taken by other major or minor businesses no matter what strategy they adopt.

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