Basics Of Building A Strong Brand Image

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Growth Last Updated: 2013-02-11

Basics Of Building A Strong Brand ImageA strong brand is the one which is recognized locally or internationally, where the brand image is synonymous with high quality & expectations. The strong identity is the result of years of lots of hard work & dedication in most cases. Apart from the most obvious points like - finding the right target audience, delivering value to customers, meeting their expectations, etc; there are subtler factors that can help in building a strong identity for your brand. Some of these are enumerated below -

  • Stand Out From The Rest - There are a million companies out there in the market, both big & small, local & international, reputed ones & recently established ones. To survive, you will have to focus on standing out from the rest of the brands (your competitors). To do this, it would need a careful market analysis of your potential competitors, finding out the flaws in their system, & determining how you can mould your product/service so that your brand guarantees a better satisfaction level to the consumers.
  • First Impressions Do Matter, Get The Best Out Of It - Adopt a great promotion strategy which is well thought & well planned. If you are investing in media adverts (the most popular forms of advertising) make sure that it is done right. Make an impact with the advertising message that you are sending out through your advertising media. Make use of tools like - humor, etc., to create a memorable message that the target audience will instantly connect with.
  • Clear Communication - A strong brand means an inbuilt recognition whenever a customer sees your brand logo, or media averts, or comes across your brand name. To build this kind of a strong brand identity, it is important that you clearly communicate what your brand is all about, & the message should be consistent. Be clear, be as simple as you can manage, & above all be consistent.

These are some of the fundamentals of creating a strong brand image & finding a niche in the market.

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