B2B Portals Leading The Way For Lead Generation.

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Growth Last Updated: 2010-10-18

Lead generation for B2B sales continues to be the most important factor B2B Portals Leading The Way For Lead Generationin the growth of a company in an increasingly competitive market. With the internet spreading its web in every sphere of life, the arena of B2B sales has also benefitted in multifarious ways by giving a common platform to the commercialists. It has also made the complete process of lead generation to sales closure much quicker and is emerging as a must have tool in the marketing strategies of many companies across the globe.

Why B2B Portals?

Aside from the obvious benefits that these portals offer a business, there are many attached perks that can work wonders for sales lead generation. Here's how:

Low Marketing Costs :- Since everything is online so you need not do lots of paperwork and spend on postage/printing/ distribution.

Saving Time :- Along with the costs, you even get to save the time that is usually spent on commuting for correspondence, business meetings and marketing. With a full-fledged online presence, you can easily go for video-conferencing with the clients in any part of the world.

No Guesswork :- With sophisticated marketing software connected to the portal at your disposal, you can easily track how your strategies are working out. This includes having complete info on the areas that need to be focused on and the preferences of customers for a particular product without carrying out elaborate surveys.

Increased Visibility :- With B2B Portals you have access to online classifieds that showcase your products and services in a much better manner than conventional means. What's more, you can now participate in online trade shows from any part of the globe and market your business through online presentation facilities.

Increased Awareness :- While conventional marketing helps in generating sales leads, it does not improve the general status of your business. With online B2B portals, you get the impetus for sales generation along with getting information on industrial trends that help you in widening your horizons and make better decisions.

For businesses across the globe, B2B portals are paving the way towards a new era, where increasing revenue through sales and developing your business are becoming much easier. Whether it is a large corporation or SME, these portals are heralding a positive change and rapidly becoming the most important tool in lead generation for everyone.

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2 thoughts on "B2B Portals Leading The Way For Lead Generation."
  • B2B portals also make for great exit strategies! Expect a few of the leading companies in each niche to be vying for the ownership of these content development power houses. There was a nice study by hubspot recently that shown a correlation in - indexed pages in google = more incoming leads. Own the pie not the slice.

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  • interesting, thanks

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