Automotive Industry Trends: The Future Of IOT Connected Cars

By: Gaurav Batra In: Industry News Last Updated: 2016-11-03

The Future Of IOT Connected CarsResearchers across the world are putting their expert knowledge into discovering new technologies to make human lives even more comfortable, the internet of Things or IoT being their latest invention. This new approach towards handling devices effortlessly with the help of a remote control has been welcomed with praises by every sector. The trend has been extended to the automobile industry with the advent of new IoT connected cars.

The evolution of wireless technologies has led to the creation of Internet of Things. With around 5 billion devices already connected using this latest technology, the global automobile sector is said to bring out around a billion connected cars by the year 2020.

How It Would Work
Connected cars are already a reality in a number of premium and luxury vehicles, and many car-manufacturing brands are planning to expand this service to mid-range cars as well. Technologies like sensors, in-vehicle operating systems, wireless and in-vehicle data communications including many others are explored to the deepest core to take this venture to the highest success peak. The connected vehicles “communicate with other devices” enabling them to offer the best driving solution to the users. This process of communication between various devices is called machine-to-machine or M2M communication. Car-to-mobile connection, where the cars will be fitted with an eCall-equipped chip, would be the most common way to connect to your car.

Various Trends In Connected Cars
The advent of Internet of Things has raised the expectation bar of the consumers to a very high level. Automobile industry experts have been constantly debating on the various features that this technology will offer. The various features offered by the evolution of connected cars are listed below.

  • These connected cars use the mechanism of M2M communication and assist the driver in finding the best eating joint, nearest parking spots and the most time-saving routes etc.
  • Connected cars will offer safer and convenient driving options.
  • These cars will understand the driving pattern of the driver and adapt accordingly making it a more personalized experience.
  • There are advanced sensors that monitor the activity of the brain, eye and heart and display the symptoms to safeguard your drive.
  • Many car-manufacturing companies have come up with human-car interactive systems that work on the technology of connectivity. Some common functions of this system are navigation, entertainment apps, call center services, smartphone connectivity etc.
  • Cars in the near future will be installed with 50 to 60 Ethernet ports that would enable users to enjoy gigabits of network speed in the automobile itself.
  • The industry of connected cars is moving at a very high pace and the time is not far away when we would be able to book movie tickets, confirm appointments, reserve dinner seats or even pay for our fuel at the gas stations.

The automobile industry is working with full efforts to go completely autonomous; by autonomous, we mean driverless car or self-driving cars. This feature was only visible in movies until now, but many carmakers have said that they would launch robotic cars by the end of 2021. Internet of Things has paved its way into many day-to-day electronic devices and will be easily seen in most of the cars in the near future.

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