A Guide To Online Sourcing Of Wholesale Products

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Growth Last Updated: 2014-02-11

A-Guide-To-Online-Sourcing-Of-Wholesale-Products---EIOne of the biggest challenges for an online retailer is to procure wholesale products at the cheapest possible prices from a reliable wholesaler. However, it has been detected that many of the online companies that claim to offer wholesale products are actually the retailers trying to entice potential buyers. Due to this, it becomes extremely important to find genuine authorized wholesalers or manufacturers for product sourcing. Here are some tips to avoid fraudulent wholesalers.

Beware Of the Scammers!
Do not use search engines to find your product as they have a list of millions of fake wholesaler websites that claim to offer their products at very low prices. These sites may look interesting but they are fooling you. Though, if you type appropriate keywords, the search engine may provide relevant results.

Online Payment
Several online companies have untraceable and unsecure wire transfers for payments like Western Union or Money Gram. These companies offer products at considerably low prices which may attract buyers but this is their hoax to steal your money and disappear. It is always better to do prior research about the payment methods before placing your order.

Ask For Samples
Anything which looks good on the internet is not always worth buying. If you want to order for a bulk purchase, always ask for a sample to test the quality and efficiency of the product. Spending a little amount on a sample is better than suffering huge losses.

Real Wholesale Directories
Many search engines direct you to a myriad of wholesale directories that contain lists of wholesale suppliers around the country. But most of the directories are useless as they list the same companies that are provided in the search engines results. Real Wholesalers are usually the ones which do not display their prices on their website and ask you to contact them via phone or email.

For a reliable and safe sourcing of your products, do homework and look for the answers to some important questions like, is the company authorized?; Is it an exporter, importer or manufacturer? What are the service policies?; etc. Reliable product sourcing is crucial for a successful and flourishing business. We hope that the aforementioned tips help you to avoid the pitfalls and prove valuable to search for quality products.

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