A Detailed Guide To Learn How An Effective Product Description Drives Online Sales

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Last Updated: 2022-06-24

Having attractive product descriptions on your online shop is as essential as having great pictures of the product or a technically flawless website. It is highly important to write attractive product details to get exposure for the buyers. No matter how good your brand or product is, you have to make it look good on online stores or websites for maximizing your sales. A well-informed customer can make a comfortable connection with your product which increases the possibility of buying your product.

An effective product description is the one that boosts sales on your website. A good and appropriate product description reflects your brand and your target audience. It should be as concise as possible because customers wont stick around forever to read a long one. A product description can help bridge the gap between what your brand or product is and who your targeted audience is. Its overall results in a positive customer experience along with contributing to the credibility of your online store.

Some of the essential aspects to which you need to pay attention, in order to increase your online sales are-

Name of the product
You must choose the product name that perfectly matches the product and instil confidence in your brand. The main function of the product should be mentioned in the name of the product so that it completely aligns with the product you intend to sell. Choose the name which is simple, distinctive, easy to spell and search, and has resonance.

Category of the product
An accurate selection of product categories is very essential to improve the customers shopping experience and help you reach the customers. To increase the viability of your product, you must list your products in the category where the buyer will first look for them and the sub-category should also be selected accordingly. For example, if you are selling a wooden dining table on an online platform, then you should select furniture & fixtures as the main category and dining table as a subcategory. Also, you can categorise the products according to their price range, dimensions, colour, etc. It will appropriately assist the prospective buyer to reach your product easily. In case of miscategorization, you will not reach the customers who want to buy your product.

Details and Features of the product
You must provide complete and accurate details of your products including any chemical, physical or other specifications. For example in case you are selling laptops then you must mention the model number, name, software, processor, colour, size, storage, and any other similar detail. Along with the details, you must mention the persuading features of the product which can influence the buying decision of the customer.

Highlight the Benefits of the product
Simply listing the features of the product is not sufficient as customers might feel unrelated and boring. You must understand the issues facing the customers and address the same in your product description to gain the trust of the customers towards your brand and product. For instance- if you are selling skin care products then you must put yourself in the customers shoes and mention how your product solves their skin issues like acne, dark circles etc.

Relevant Keywords
Search Engine Optimization(SEO) refers to the practice of including keywords that have high search volumes in your content. Keywords mean the phrases that the buyer will enter to search for a particular product. The importance of product descriptions lies in making a sale and aims in converting a viewer into a customer. Including relevant and product-related SEO keywords in your product description will allow buyers to reach your product easily.

If you want to sell online products, your product description is your genuine sales pitch. It gives the customer the same information just like a salesperson would. Therefore, a product description is the marketing copy that briefly explains what a product is and why its worth purchasing. All brands need to understand that the purpose of a product description is to supply customers with crucial information about the features and benefits of the product shortly and crisply so theyre compelled to buy.

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