3 Ways to Generate B2B Leads by Leveraging Buyer Behavior

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Last Updated: 2018-09-21

Those who run a business within a Business-to-Business (b2b) ecosystem often fear the volatility of the market, which largely depends on the behavior of the B2B buyers and some other important factors too. What makes buyer behavior unpredictable, thereby causing turbulence in B2B business, is a matter of in-depth study, research, and discussion. But thankfully this blog post deals with some critical aspects of buyer behavior, which could be leveraged to further generate B2B leads and increase B2B conversions.
Here you can learn 3 effective ways to generate quality business to business leads for your business growth while tapping the buyer behavior. This post will also help B2B businesses overcome the market fears, especially when they are related to habits of B2B buyers. Just read it further:

#1 Understand buyer persona and its importance in the buying process
Before you venture into any promotional deed with an aim to generate the b2b leads, it is very important that you sufficiently understand the buyer persona so that targeting the specific set of buyers would bring effective outcomes. But remember that understanding the buyer persona is in itself a challenging task, as it involves gathering related data about B2B buyers preferences, major habits, orientation, and a variety of other things of complex nature. If you have decided to gather metrics and information about buyer persona on your own, and not through a third party information provider, you would have to buckle up for an intense workout. And believe it or not, the data you gather on your own would be no less than a treasure to help generate B2B leads.

#2 What can drive and motivate buyers
In a trade where purchasing goods in bulk is involved, the B2B buyers often hesitate to place order with the sellers due to a number of concerns like product pricing, quality, packaging, sourcing, transportation, and the likes. Thus it becomes very important for your B2B lead generating strategy that you carefully understand that what can drive and motivate B2B buyers to place order without thinking much about the aforementioned concerns. In a bid to win trust of the buyers, you may start by highlighting information that aptly addresses even the minutest of concerns that a B2B buyer may have. Once your sales strategy caters to the buyers specific needs, your lead generation process gets strengthened every time an existing or new buyer comes to your business for placing B2B orders.

#3 Highlight your expertise and make pricing transparent
Buyers keep looking for a reliable and a customer centric company for their B2B purchases, and sellers who flash their sound track-record with perfection get brighter chances of selling. One more important aspect that helps generate leads effectively is the transparency in the pricing structure of products on offer. And so as to build a robust pricing structure, a lot of industry research is needed to assess the crucial price points, within the industry you are operational in. Once youre done with this process, the next crucial stage comes in the form of making product pricing structure transparent for the target buyers. If the B2B buyers are convinced with the price points, you have decided for your products, then you will certainly get buy leads.

B2B sellers need to adopt a right approach to boost their lead generation process, and their capability to tap and influence buyer behavior could substantially affect their sales. And as far as buyer behavior is concerned, the above tips include a right mix of information, which could be exploited to generate and multiply the B2B leads from the domestic as well as international business to business buyers.

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