10 Ways to Find Customers with Mobile Marketing

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Growth Last Updated: 2011-07-21

Marketing strategies are very carefully planned by companies because they crucially assist in acquiring customers and promoting the business. A very popular marketing technique these days is Mobile Marketing as most of the eyeballs today are glued to the mobile phones these days. More than two thirds of the world's population has a mobile subscription, and mobile users are highly active. Therefore, mobile marketing can prove to be quite fruitful a technique for promoting one's business. There are two ways of finding customers through mobile marketing- pulling people towards your messages or pushing out your messages.

  • SMS: SMSs or Text Messaging is the most commonly used technique of mobile marketing. A text messaging provider can provide you with a list of short phone number known as a common short code and an opt-in keyword from where you can push your messages periodically to a large number of users.

  • Mobile advertising: Effective mobile advertising can be done by placing ads on external mobile sites. This will help in securing more customers. You can use the mobile versions of blogs, newspapers etc. for mobile advertising.

  • Mobile email: By sending emails through your mobile phones you can better advertise your product and give detailed description about them. Pull customers to your email list with signup links on your website.

  • Mobile Applications: You can get your applications, better known as apps listed on an apps store and then offer their download from your own mobile site and thus, push your marketing messages.

  • MMS: Just like SMSs, the multimedia messages can also be used for mobile marketing. These can prove to be very effective as they contain sound, pictures and a lot more text.

  • Mobile Internet: By advertising your site and using Quick Response Codes, you can pull a lot of attraction from the audiences. Try to make your website mobile friendly so that more and more traffic is attracted to the site.

  • Voice Messages: Voice Messages provide an interactive way to stay in touch with your customers. An Interactive Voice Response system can aid in sending the voice messages and answering calls automatically.

  • Mobile content: Use mobile content containing your marketing message to pull more customers. For this you can post the content on mobile friendly sites or on your own mobile site.

  • Capabilities and enablers: You can motivate customers to use various mobile technologies like WiFi, GPS and you can advertize and promote other content through these.

  • Mobile search: Including mobile-friendly maps and directions on your site can help in creating a more user friendly site especially for users who are more active on the mobile phone.

These are the key steps for boosting Mobile Marketing and for creating strategies which will bring in more prolific deals for your business.

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