10 Top Tips for a Foolproof B2B Webinar

By: Gaurav Batra In: B2B Last Updated: 2010-04-17

Are you in search of new ways for improving your brand recognition in the global market? Do you also wish to demonstrate your expertise in your business field and attract new business leads at the same time? Then Webinar is the only solution for all your business needs. Hosting a webinar is inexpensive, easy and quick as compared to other conventional methods of gaining B2B recognition. But you should also be aware of what you are doing and what your webinar is all about, before taking any further step in this direction. Through this write up, we are offering some tips that will lead you to the path of organizing a foolproof webinar.

1. Define your goals and target audience

Knowing the answers to the questions like what is the focus of your , targeted audience, topic etc. will assist you in outlining the main goal of the webinar. Once you are clear about your aim, you can easily draft the content that helps in selecting your appropriate webinar conferencing service provider.

2. Select the right Webinar conference service provider

The webinar provider holds the ability to make or break your webinar so it is essential to select it with care. An ideal webinar service provider would be the one who can understand the goal of your webinar. There are chances that the provider may suggest you some ways of making your webinar interactive.

3. Don't rush for getting your Webinar registration form

After everything is decided: the webinar service provider, date, time, venue etc. and you are ready to set the stage, don't make haste in getting your registration form. A strategic approach is required for building a registration form like using minimal form fields and keeping the visibility of the form above the folds.

4. Figure out 'To Do' timeline for everyone

After drafting the registration, the countdown to webinar day begins. For foolproof organization, maintain a master to do list that includes every aspect of the webinar. Assign the responsibilities to the responsible personnel and keep a tab on their work.

5. Get the word out!

Don't feel shy in promoting your webinar and spreading the word all over for attracting maximum responses. E-mail to the existing subscribers, blogs, tweets; social media etc. should be your foremost tool for the promotion of your webinar.

6. Befriend with your Webinar provider's account representative

Try to make friends with the account representative of your webinar service provider. The more information they have about your webinar the better they will be able to cater you. For making your webinar a success and having invaluable comfort on the D-day largely depends on this.

7. Practice a lot

Daily practice for webinar, starting a week before the final day will give complete control over the various technical aspects. The extra practice of your presenter eliminates the chances of any mistake on the webinar day.

8. Appoint one person for technical support

Make sure to appoint someone for monitoring the question box for the invitees. Through this, you can provide assistance to those who are facing difficulty with audio or visual systems. This will also leave professional and a positive impact on the attendees.

9. Give a vote of thanks to attendees and also share on demand versions with the registrants within the minimum time

A personal vote of thanks to those who attended your webinar gives a clear impression of your true professionalism. It is also a good practice to send a link of your on-demand version to all the registrants and attendees within the 48 hours.

10. Put additional webinar questions on your website

There is a possibility that you have missed some questions and queries during the webinar. It's better to post the answers to such unattended questions on your website for creating the buzz of your webinar afresh.

Following these tips with utmost care ensures an infallible webinar that would be a sure shot success. This will not only boost your brand image but also make leads aware of your professionalism and expertise. So next time you plan to promote your business, go for a webinar, which is affordable as well as effective.

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