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Industrial Ovens & Furnaces

Our Complete range of products are Gas Oven, Vacuum Furnace and Laboratory Furnace.

Gas Oven

  • Maximum Temperature 250°C
Vacuum oven, unlike general purpose oven, dries samples without oxidation and residue. Vacuum oven is an ideal choice; where, samples are dried in absence of atmosphere (vacuum condition) or presence of inert atmosphere (Argon, Nitrogen, Clean Dry Air). A vacuum oven has two ports; Vacuum Port with needle valve to connect vacuum pump and another is Inert Gas Port with needle valve to connect with gas cylinder. A microprocessor PID controller is fitted to control the temperature inside the chamber. Analog vacuum gauge displays vacuum level. Temperature thermostat keeps the unit safe if temperature exceeds beyond set degree.
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Vacuum Furnace

  • Working Temperature 1100°C
  • Temperature Accuracy ±1°C
Vacuum Furnaces and brazing furnaces by Bionics Scientific are engineered for high temperature laboratory and industrial heat treatment applications including sintering, brazing, stress-relieving and annealing etc. From aerospace, tool room, powder and metal companies to gas turbine industry, our vacuum furnace units meet most demanding needs of production and research departments. Our vacuum furnaces are horizontal and front loading in nature and manufactured to confirm AMS 2750DBS 5500 Cat 3 British Pressure Vessel standards. The standard units are manufactured with maximum temperature range from 1200C to 1600C. Temperature is controlled by 30 segment PID controller, which ensures excellent level of temperature accuracy and reliability. The horizontal vacuum chamber is double walled constructed with provision of water cooling keeping your samples safe from any unwanted conditions.
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Laboratory Furnace

  • Temperature Accuracy +/- 1°C (+/- 1.8°F)
Bionics Scientific is a leading Indian manufacturer of muffle furnaces for laboratory use with temperature range 800C to 1800C. As required, we provide both readymade (ready stock) and customized muffle furnace systems to our customers worldwide. These laboratory muffle furnace units are utilized in general purpose heating in laboratories, ashing tests on wool, rubber, fibers or fabrics, heat treatment requirements for gears and various research facilities in chemistry and physics. These systems are microprocessor controlled programmable muffle furnaces that offer easy and safe operation even at high temperature. These systems are designed with your safety in mind. Multi-layered insulation keeps external surfaces (cabinet) cool to the touch. Door safety switch (optional accessory) stops power to heating elements when door is opened.
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