Bio diesel plants Modular Batch Transesterifiers-Expandable capacity, Latest Adsorbent Technology Compliant-Chemical Purification System water less process. Minimum Manpower Requirement.
Neem oil soap It comprises of Triglyceride and Triterpenoid compounds. Neem Oil is Hydrophobic in nature and in order to emulsify it in water for application purpose. Neem Oil contains steroids (Campesterol, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol) and a plethora of Triterpenoid.
Biodiesel fraction stays the same or increases. Therefore, biodiesel works well with new technologies such as diesel oxidation catalysts (which reduce the soluble fraction of diesel particulate but not the solid carbon fraction).
Jatropha oil is the simple fact that our processing plants are so designed that they can process a number of easily available raw feedstock (In the Indian Sub-Continent) in to Biodiesel meeting all Global Standards and crossing all the levels of feedstock constraints and rigidity.
Rice bran fatty acid which can not to be evaluated as an edible oil, is an interesting substrat. Esterification of high-acidity rice bran oil with ethanol and sulfuric acid catalyst was investigated.