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Neem Oil is a versatile component. It is popular for its medical, analgesic, anticholinergic, antihelminthic, antihistaminic, antiprotozoal, antiviral, bactericidal, contraceptives and among other qualities. Our company is Manufacturer and Supplier of top-grade Neem Oil in Muddebihal (Karnataka). We cater to more...
It is used as a medicine for some skin diseases . Antiseptic properties of neem add immense value to various products such as medicines and beauty and cosmetic products. It is also used in pesticides and as a natural insect repellent. more...
Neem oil is an extracted by cold pressing of seeds of (Neem) Azadirachta Indica . The product is dark brownish to geen colour, viscous liquid, it has a trong pungent herbacious odur. more...
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Benefits : A broad spectrum botanical insecticide derived from the Neem tree seed kernel. Control of thrips, whitefly, aphid, caterpillar, scale insects, mealybug. Neem Green's can replace or enhance traditional chemical treatments and is beneficial to both organic and conventional agriculture. N more...