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Agricultural Consultant

We offer a complete product range of Duck farming in India, Pig Farming in India, Ornamental fish farming and Rabbit Farming

Duck Farming In India

We are renowned as one of the reputed Duck Farming in India. Providing different breeds of ducks across the country, we have gained immense popularity for ourselves in the industry. Our ducks are reared in hygienic and optimum conditions, under the supervision of the experts. For Duck Farming, we rear different breeds of the bird and ensure their excellent health to produce birds that are high yielding in terms of their meat and eggs.

Additional Information

  • Minimum Order Quantity : 25
  • Delivery Time : 15-20 days
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Pig Farming In India

Pigs grow fast and are a prolific breeder, giving birth to 10 to 12 piglets at a time. A Pig is capable of producing two litters per year under optimal management conditions. Pigs convert inedible feeds, forages, certain grain byproducts obtained from mills, meat by-products, damaged feeds, and garbage into nutritious meat. The carcass return is quite high i.e. 60-80 percent of live body weight. With a small investment on building and equipment, proper feeding and sound disease control programme, the farmer can profitably utilize his time and labor in the subsidiary occupation of Pig Farming. The faeces of pigs are used as a manure to maintain soil fertility. Our Pigs are reared to be healthy & free from diseases and thus highly demanded in the industry.

Additional Information

  • Minimum Order Quantity : 25
  • Delivery Time : 15-20 days


Pig farming- for whom ?

  • Small and landless farmers.

  • Part time earning for educated youth

  • Uneducated youth

  • Farm women


Care and management of piglets

  • Removal of needle teeth

  • Anaemia in piglets

  • Raising orphan piglets

  • Castration

  • Separation of piglets from mother (Weaning)


DAILY CONSUMPTION OF FEED : The most convenient way to feed animals on a farm is to prepare the complete ration recommended for different classes and give the pigs the amount they will eat without waste two or three times daily. The following is the approximate amount of dry feed the pigs will consume.


All grains in mixed feeds should be ground. Generally feeding in the form of wet mash is not superior than (Slop feeding) dry feeding. Slop feeding requires more time and excessive labour. If a ration is fairly high in fibre, pelleting the feed may increase the rate and efficiency of gain in weight. Pelleting may also decrease the amount of feed that is wasted.


It is important not to overfeed sows which have been bred. Over fat sows are apt to produce weak pigs and crush more piglets at farrwoing. Sows should gain about 35 kg and gilts about 55 kg from breeding to farrowing.


For more details visit website

Feeding Management Of Pigs

Details of nutrients Creep feed (Up to weaning) Grower ration (20-40 kg) Finisher ration (40-90 kg)
Protein supplement (%) 16-18 14-16 13-14
Animal protein 42957 4 2
Grains 60-65 50-55 40-50
Wheat bran (%) 5 10 20
Lucerne meal (%) 5 42863 20
Mineral mixture(%) 0.5 0.5 0.5
Antibiotic supplement (mg) 40 20 10

Breeding Management

Age to breed gilts 8 months
Weight of breed gilts 100 - 120 kg
Best time to breed in heat period Gilts – first day | Sows- Second day
Number of services per sow 2 services at an interval of 12-14 hours
Period of oestrous cycle 18-24 days (Average 21 days)
Occurrence of heat after weaning 2-10 days
Gestation period 114 days

The Composition Of The Concentrate Feed For Various Age Groups Pigs

Ingredients Creep feed ( 14 th to 56 th day ) Grower ration (up to 40 kg) Finisher ration(40-90 k.g) Pregnant & nursing
broken wheat 65 50 50 50
Oil cakes 14 18 20 20
Molasses 5 5 5 5
rice bran 10 1.5 25 18
cooked offal 5 5 3 5
Mineral mixture 1 1.5 1.5 1.5
Salt 1 0.5 0.5 0.5

Daily Consumption

Weight of pig (kg) Daily consumption of feed (kg) per pig
25 2
50 3.2
100 5.3
150 6.8
200 7.5
250 8.3


Broken Wheat 65 50 50 50
Oil Cakes 14 18 20 20
Molasses 5 5 5 5
Rice Bran 10 1.5 25 18
Cooked Offal 5 5 3 5
Mineral Mixture 1 1.5 1.5 1.5
Salt 1 0.5 0.5 0.5
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Ornamental Fish Farming

Keeping colourful and fancy fishes known as ornamental fishes, aquarium fishes, or live jewels is one of the oldest and most popular hobbies in the world. The growing interest in aquarium fishes has resulted in steady increase in aquarium fish trade globally. The ornamental fish trade with a turnover of US $ 6 Billion and an annual growth rate of 8 percent offers lot of scope for development.
India's share in ornamental fish trade is estimated to be less than 1 % of the global trade. The major part of the export trade is based on wild collection.

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Rabbit Farming

The company is a prominent Rabbit Farm and training in India. Different types of rabbits are reared by us, such as Rabbit Breed Flemish Giant, Grey Giant, Soviet Chinchilla, New Zealand White, New Zealand Black, California, The company has taken a mission of business development for Rabbit farm training Breeding and Meat Production as supplementary for Rabbit Farming Madhya Pradesh in india.


Packaging Details : Cages size ( 1 unit cage, 1 unit= 10 rabbits)

  • Length= 9 feet
  • Width=4 feet
  • Height=1 feet 3 inches


Minimum Order Quantity : The Minimum Order Quantity Should be 50


Delivery Time : 15-20 days


Note :

  • 1680 Child x 3 Kg. in 4 Month = 5040 KG Live Weight
  • I am purchasing 200 Rs /kg
  • 5040 x 200 = 1008000 Rs. (Ten lac Eight Thousand Rupees).


Description :

  • Rabbit Cage Size : 9 x 4 x 1.5"
  • Rabbit Feed box
  • Rabbit nest  box
  • Rabbit water Nipple
  • Rabbit Medical chart
  • Free Farm delivery
  • Buy Back Agreement
  • Rabbit farming Training.


For more details visit website :


Female Times Child
1 1 6
35 1 210
35 8 210*time=1680



  • 1680 Child * 3 Kg. in 4 Month = 5040 KG Live Weightt
  • I am purchasing 150 Rs /kg
  • 5040 * 150 = 7,56,000 Rs.



  • Cages Size : 9*4
  • Feed box
  • Kid ling box
  • Medical chart
  • Home delivery
  • Bay Back Agreement
  • Training


Features of Rabbit Farming

  • Why Rabbit Farming?
  • Rabbit Farming is for whom?
  • Advantages of Rabbit Farming
  • Rabbit breeds and Availability
  • Methods of rearing rabbits
  • Feeding management
  • Breeding Management of rabbits
  • Signs of healthy rabbit
  • Signs in diseased rabbits
  • Diseases of rabbits


For more details visit website

Nutrients To Be Present In The Rabbit Feed

Details of nutrients For growth For pregnancy For lactation
Digestible energy ( 2500 2500 2500
Protein (%) 18 17 19
Fibre (%) 41195 41195 41195
Fat (%) 2 2 2

Nutrients To Be Present In The Rabbit Feed

Details of nutrients For growth For pregnancy For lactation
Digestible energy ( 2500 2500 2500
Protein (%) 18 17 19
Fibre (%) 10/13/12 10/13/12 10/13/12
Fat (%) 2 2 2
Rabbit type Approximate body weight Amount feed/ day (g)
Concentrate feed Green fodder
Adult male rabbit 4-5 kg 100 250
Adult female rabbit 4-5 kg 100 300
Lactating and pregnant rabbit 4-5 kg 150 150
Young rabbits 0.6-0.7 kg 50-75 150


Rabbit type Approximate body weight Amount feed/ day (g)
Concentrate feed Green fodder
Adult male rabbit 4-5 kg 100 250
Adult female rabbit 4-5 kg 100 300
Lactating and pregnant rabbit 4-5 kg 150 150
Young rabbits 0.6-0.7 kg 50-75 150

Sample Concentrate Feed Mixture

Ingredients Amount
Broken maize 40 kg
Broken and ground bajra 13.00%
Groundnut oil cake 30 kg
Soybean cake 5 kg
Molasses 8 kg
Wheat bran 15 kg
Mineral mixture 1.5 kg
Salt 0.5 kg
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