Welcome to Bhulaxmi Seeds
Welcome to our Website Bhulaxmi Seeds, a trusted Manufacturer and Supplier, is involved in offering high quality Potato and Paddy Seeds. We undertake the production of foundation and certified seeds through its registered seed growers. We also play a key role in Odisha seed production and we have a vast network, thus offer our seeds to the Odisha Agro Industries Corporation Ltd., Orissa Stat Seeds Corporation Ltd., and National Seeds Corporation Ltd, HIL. Our brand name got established owing to our excellent quality seeds. For the cultivation of our seeds and potato, we make use of modern techniques and take guidance from skilled cultivators, who have immense experience in this domain. Our farmers also have complete knowledge of the soil type and preferable climate essential for the cultivation. Furthermore, our Paddy Seeds and Potato are processed under the most hygienic environment in our processing unit. The entire process is carried out in sync with the predefined quality standards. Moreover, our products are also checked against diverse quality parameters to ensure zero adulteration at buyer’s end. We also provide technical support to the seed producing farmers by imparting training on seeds production.
Year of Establishment
Primary Business
Annual Turnover
Rs. 5 to 25 Crore Approx.