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The beautifully arranged bouquet of vibrant pink roses in a sleek, round black box adorned with a bold pink satin ribbon tied into a bow. A small box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates in the corner, adding a touch of indulgence to the gift. Pink roses symbolizing love, gratitude, and admiration, elegantly arranged more...
Dried rose petals have many uses, Health and beauty it contains vitamin and antioxidant that can help soothe and repair skin. Rose hips are a good source of vitamin c, which helps increase collegen production and support skin cells against free radicals. Aroma, food, tea, bath, skincare, potpourri, ointments more...
BOTANICAL NAME: Rosa Grandiflora Medicinal Benefits:- Anitbacterial Anitinflamatory Anitoxidative Clears up the skin Strengthens immune System Cures Soar Throat Improves digestion Cures constipation and Diarrohea Maintains urinary tract health Stress busters CONTRAINDICATIONS: Not known more...
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