Immobilising with kobra cast – because plaster is yesterday’s product be it fractures, ruptures, capsular injuries, bruises or pulled muscles – the classical treatment for typical sports injuries is rest. But rest no longer means immobility – on the contrary: thanks to komore...
This is a tubular net bandage which is highly elastic both in length & width wise. Therefore it can be stretched very much to become at least 3 times of its length & 5 times of its width. Application : To hold the dressing in its Place without the use of pins and Tmore...
Healocrepe Pure Cotton Stretchable Crepe Bandage without Elastomers, Made of Twisted Pure cotton yarn. Application : To give Warmth to the body part where applied To give Pressure on the limb or support after fracture. Features : Thick fabric. Woven fast edges. Better elamore...
The bandage is elastic & tearable. It sticks to itself only not to skin or hair. Available from 2.5cm to 15cm width and 4.5-meter length. Only 2 or 3 wraps are required to keep the dressing at its place or to fix a body part or to immobilize a limb. The best and smart way to more...
Metro Tubular Elastic Bandage Bandage provides uniform compression and support of the appendages with minimal risk of constriction. It is easy to apply and comfortable to wear, without the need of any clips or tape to hold it in place. Compressive strength remains consistent overmore...