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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Multimode Ruggedised Receiver, MSK Demodulator, Secure Tactical Radio System VHF, VHF Secure Tactical Radio System and VHF Base Station.

Multimode Ruggedised Receiver

VLF receiver (VS 430) is a Multimode ruggedised Receiver suitable for the reception of VLF broadcast in Surface Ships, Submarines and Shore Stations.The Receiver is a Multi-channel System employing MSK, FSK and OOK Demodulation Techniques at 50 to 100 baud rates.It has Built-in Forward Error Coding (FEC) device to reduce bit error.It has BITE facility for monitoring purposes.Built-in 100 baud and 200 bands MSK modulator to test the MSK demodulator.Built-in level meter for monitoring of AGC and DC power supplies.A 20 kHz Test Sine Wave to test the Receiver up to final IF.User interface is a dedicated 24 keys Board.User can store upto 10 most frequently used set up information in a non-volatile memory.The Demodulator, De-multiplexing, FEC and Front Panel controls are microprocessor DSP based.
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MSK Demodulator

  • Feature Compact DSP based demodulation compatible to VLF Rx VS 430 Simple operation, Front Panel Mode selection
MSK Demodulator AQ 6412 is as an Add-on Equipment for VLF-HF Receiver EK 896 to facilitate MSK mode of VLF reception, compatible to VLF receiver VS-430. The MSK Demodulator is interfaced to EK 896 at IF level and it demodulates MSK modulated signal in various modes.
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Secure Tactical Radio System VHF

  • Feature Robust sync system with orthogonal hopping RF Power output 5 W
STARS V Mk II 5 W radio is a frequency hopping radio in the family of Secure Tactical Radio system VHF (Stars V) developed to meet the requirements of tactical VHF radio communication needs protected against electronic counter measures. It provides all modern features required to meet the opeational needs in the Forward Edge Battle Area (FEBA) today. Some of the important features are built-in high grade crypto, secure selective call, buit in GPS with grid display, built-in data modem, TOD based reliable synchronisation under severe jamming, orthogonal hopping & hailing etc. The radios are programmable for the hop sets and secure keys.The controls and settings of the radio is so designed that this complex ECCM radio is very user friendly.
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VHF Secure Tactical Radio System

  • Feature Robust Sync System with orthogonal hopping Integrated single unit at 25 W O/P
STARS V Mk II 25 W radio is a frequency hopping high power manpack radio in the family of Secure Tactical Radio System VHF (STARS V) developed to meet the requirements of long range VHF radio communication needs protected against electronic counter measures. It provides all the modern features required to meet the operational needs in the Forward Edge Battle Area (FEBA) today. Some of the important features are built-in high grade crypto, secure selective call, built-in GPS with grid display, built-in data modem, TOD based reliable synchronisation under severe jamming, Orthogonal hopping & hailing etc. The radios are programmable for the hop sets and secure keys. The controls and settings of the radio is so designed that the complex ECCM radio is very user friendly.
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VHF Base Station

  • Feature Built -in High grade crypto Operating Modes: Clear (CTCSS) and Secure
The VHF base station is state-of-the-art design, compact and lightweight. It is Microprocessor based, inter-works with LVP 285 handheld radio. It enhances the utility of the handheld radio by increasing its communication range. All the other features are same as those of LVP 285 handheld Radios.
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VHF Repeater Station (LVS 297)

  • Feature Built -in High grade crypto Operating Modes: Clear (CTCSS) and Secure
LVS 297 is a VHF Repeater station with state-of-the-art design. Two Base station (LVM 294) as dedicated Transmitter & Receiver are configured as a Repeater. It is Microprocessor based, inter-works with LVP 285 handheld radio. It enhances the utility of the handheld radio by increasing its communication range. All the other features are same as those of LVP 285 handheld Radios.
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UHF Base Station

  • Feature Built in High grade Crypto Operating Modes : Clear (CTCSS) and Secure
The UHF base station is state-of-the-art design, compact and lightweight. It is Microprocessor based, inter-works with LUP 291 Handheld radio. It enhances the utility of the Handheld radio by increasing its communication range. All the other features are same as those of LUP 291 Handheld Radios.
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UHF Repeater Station

LUS 296 is a UHF Repeater station with state-of-the-art design.Two Base station (LUM 295) as dedicated Transmitter & Receiver are configured as a Repeater. It is Microprocessor based, inter-works with LUP 291 handheld radio. It enhances the utility of the handheld radio by increasing its communication range. All the other features are same as those of LUP 291 handheld Radios.
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UHF Transreceiver

The Radio Set LUP 322 is a fully solid-state, light weight, high performance VUHF transreceiver designed for ground-to-ground and ground-to-air communications. It thoroughly complies with existing VHF, UHF and VUHF transreceiver standards. The transreceiver covers the VHF band of 100 to 156 MHz and UHF band of 225 to 400 MHz in 25 kHz channel spacing. It provides 2 way AM simplex communication. The transmitter output power is 5 Watts (CW) with provision for reduced output levels. 16 channels can be field programmed into memory bank A and 16 other channels into memory bank B. A push to read switch will illuminate the LED display. To prevent unauthorized corruption of pre-programmed frequencies, a switch is provided. The pre-programmed channels can be recalled but unauthorized re-programming is prevented. The radio set operates from 24 V Ni-cad battery. The radio may also be connected to an external 24 V DC source such as vehicle battery. An AC power supply is available as an option for fixed-site operation using either 110 V or 220 V AC supplies. The accessories provided with the Radio Set enables it to be deployed as Manpack Radio, Vehicular Radio, Fixed Static Installation and Radio Rebroadcast Installation for extended range operations
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Manpack Satcom Terminal - MK-IV

  • Feature Secure data Built in encryption
The Manpack Satcom Terminal is a compact communication system capable of providing secure voicedata communication using the Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) transponder of Indian satellite( GSAT-6). The battery operated system can be deployed in less than a minute, making it highly suitable for providing rapid communication during mountain and jungle warfare, low intensity conflicts and disaster management.
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Handheld Satcom Terminal

The Handheld Satcom Terminal is a compact handheld communication system capable of providing secure voicedata communication using the Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) transponder of Indian satellite(GSAT-6). The battery operated system can be deployed in less than a minute, making it highly suitable for defence forces.
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UHF Radio Relay

UHF Radio Relay is a digital communication equipment that provides fast, reliable and secure communication links for military applications. It can operate in a fixed frequency mode or in two different hopping modes; conventional and adaptive. The transmission security in the network is increased considerably by the use of frequency hopping techniques. The radio is provided with ECM protection. To avoid interference from to other communication equipment, up to 20 sub-bands can be programmed as forbidden bands. The conventional and adaptive modes of frequency hopping may be combined with high, low, manual control power modes. The transmission thus achieved is highly resistant to high-power pulsed jamming and immune to partial band jamming.
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Semi Ruggedised Automatic Exchange

Semi-Ruggedised Automatic Exchange (SRAX MK II) Equipment is an Automatic Telephone exchange. Designed to meet the communication requirement of an Army unit formation. The equipment supports 512 ports consisting of POTS, ISDN and Trunks in its base unit. The capacity can be expanded by 600 ports using Expansion unit. It is based on digital stored program control technology with time switching concept and is completely non-blocking. This exchange is having latest features like ISDN ports and E1 trunks. It supports 240 subscriber ports out of which 64 ports can be configured for POTS, LD, RD & CO. Remaining ports can be used as POTS. This also has 30 ISDN ports.
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Unit Level Switch Board

Unit Level Switch board MK-III(ULSB MK-III) is a state-of-the-art automatic telephone exchange designed to meet the communication requirements of Army at unit level. It is based on digital stored program control technology with Time Switching concept and is completely non-blocking This exchange is having latest features like ISDN ports and E1 trunks. It supports 24 POTS, 08 Magneto, 08 ISDN subscriber ports. It has connectivity to other Switches and networks (ASCON, AREN) through Analogue Trunks viz. LD E&M and CO and digital trunks E1 (QSIG and CAS MFR2). It works both as Local and Transit Exchange. A Keyboard, LCD display and Head Set is provided as User friendly Operator Console to handle various operator features. A LAN port is provided to connect a Laptop PC(with Windows) to work as MMI for system administration.
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Network Control Management System (NCMS)

The MSS Network consists of Briefcase Terminals and MSS Hub which provides central control for the Briefcase terminals operating in SCPC DAMA mode. It allocates the resources to the terminals on demand. The network supports voice & data and can be integrated to the existing networks through EPABX (E1, IP or PSTN lines)
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Digital Mobile Radio Relay

Multi Layer Communication System referred as DMRR MCT when deployed in the tactical defence network will provide last mile access connectivity to remote subscriber over radiosatcomfiberlink via NLDSP point of presence.IP based Network centric solution for voice & dataIntegrated, Shelterized, Quick deployable Mobile communication systemAll terrain single vehicle solution with hydraulic stabilization
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Tactical Access Switch

  • Features Fully indigenous platform Ruggedized to Mil Standard
The Tactical access switch is meant to provide localtrunk switching based on IPIMPLS technology and cater for Voice, data including video as well as aggregation and switching facility for traditional TDM voice switches. A high-end Indigenous IPMPLS router providing necessary WAN & LAN interfaces on a high throughput & highly available platform is at the core of the TAS solution.
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IP Gateway

  • Feature Magneto subscribers CNR voice interface
IP Gateway Exchange (IPGX) provides mission critical local and gateway voice services. It provides Gateway connectivity from TCS to other networks systems such as ASCON, AREN, CNR, E1 based switches. System is Compact and Ruggedized for field deployments.
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Milcom Link2Mod3

LINKII MODIII System with features like Multi-band, Multi-class, Multi-mode, high data rate links through high bandwidth captive radios, also referred as Indian Naval Data Link INDL for P-15A, P-28 and P71 class of ships. This system was designed to have seamless integration with CMS interface
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Versatile Communication System Mk III

VCS Mk III is a versatile system designed to provide internal communication facilities and display of status of various equipment and systems onboard Naval ships. The system is highly flexible and re-configurable and can be configured for all classes of ships. Provides Integrated data (Status and Control) and Voice communication from a single position on IVCSUses VOIP technology for Voice & Data communicationInterfaces with the ATM based integrated data network (AISDN) onboard the shipReduces wiring and interconnections in the systemProvides reconfigurability to the system
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Advanced VLF Demodulator

Very Low Frequency (VLF) is the means of long-range reliable communication from Indian mainland to distributed ships and submerged submarines.Limited bandwidth of the large transmit antenna is a major challenge in achieving enhanced information transfer rate over this link. Advanced VLF Demodulator system is a solution to this challenge which is able to achieve reliable text data communication up to 400 bps in available 200 Hz bandwidth by use of modern communication signal processing techniques. Adv VLF Demodulator is interfaced at IF of 36KHz.
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Advanced VLF-HF Receiver

Very Low Frequency (VLF) is the means of long-range reliable communication from Indian mainland to distributed ships and submerged submarines. Limited bandwidth of the large transmit antenna is a major challenge in achieving enhanced information transfer rate over this link. Advanced VLF Communication system is a solution to this challenge which is able to achieve reliable text data communication by use of modern communication signal processing techniques. The system has the dual capabilities of MSK Demodulation in VLF mode and HF reception in HF mode. QUALITY
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Advanced VLF Modulator

Very Low Frequency (VLF) is the means of long-range reliable communication from Indian mainland to distributed ships and submerged submarines.Limited bandwidth of the large transmit antenna is a major challenge in achieving enhanced information transfer rate over this link. Advanced VLF Modulator system is a solution to this challenge which is able to achieve reliable text data communication by use of modern communication signal processing techniques.
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Secure Multi Interface Link Encryptor

Secure Multi Interface Link Encryptor (SMILE) is Bulk Encryption Unit that Secures Sensitive Data transmitted over high-speed Point-to-Point Links. SMILE has been designed to secure Bulk Data Traffic over Leased lines and Radio Relays with Data Rates up to 2 Mbps. The Data speed can easily be configured using a switch provided on the front panel. It supports synchronous Full Duplex Point to Point Secure Data communications between a full range of Network Equipments including Routers, PBX trunks, Bridges and Multiplexers. SMILE incorporates an indigenous high-grade Encryption Algorithm.
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Stand Alone Communication Unit

  • Feature Interface with PC & Printer Flat touch type QWERTY configuration keyboard
Stand Alone Communication Unit (SACU) is a rugged, compact, self contained Data Communication Terminal that provides the capability for high speed, data communication and modem concept over existing strategic and tactical communication networks.
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Hand Held Radio Terminal

HART (Hand held Radio Terminal) is a microprocessor based store and forward terminal that provides reliable burst transmission of messages using Forward Error Control and Data Interleaving techniques. Its burst transmission capability together with its ability to ensure reliable communication even under poor channel conditions considerably reduces the probability of interception and jamming of messages transmitted using the Equipment.
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Burst Error Control System For Teleprinter (BEST)

The equipment Burst Error control system for Teleprinter BEST MK II-C is a micro-prcoessor based store and forward equipment that will provide reliable burst transmission of messages using forward error control and data interleaving technique. The equipment can be interfaced with the conventional electro-mechanicalelectronic tele-printers using Baudot code or terminals using ASCITT code. Interworking compatibility exists for these terminals which are in the net.
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Spurt Message Alphanumeric Radio Terminal

  • Feature Store and forward equipment Supports free and formatted text messages Built-in Encryption
SMART, Spurt Message Alphanumeric Radio Terminal is a Data Communication Terminal for field use. The terminal provides reliable burst transmission capability to reduce radio channel occupancy time with reduction in probability of interference and jamming.
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IP Encryptors

64 Mbps data rate for CRIPA (N) and 155 Mbps for CRIPA (H).Supports both Point to Point and Point to Multipoint network connections.Provides direct interface to standard router, switches, Hubs through Ethernet 101001000 Mbps connection.Supports IP multi castingBased IP encapsulation within IP (Tunnel Mode)Encryption is carried out at the Layer 3 of OSI model.Network management SNMP V2CConfiguration of the unit through local GUI and centralized GUI Software.Provision to upgrade Key and Algorithm in the field.
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Duplex Crypto Device

BEACON Mk III is a compact, full duplex Crypto Device providing high grade of secrecy for DATA communication on normal Telephone Lines (using V.92 modem), TP Network, RS-232 Network AND LAN Network (10100 Mbps).BEACON Mk III incorporates an indigenous high-grade encryption algorithm with a very user-friendly call set-up, configuration and cryptographic key management. The encryption algorithm is configurable through the PC, providing field upgradeability. It incorporates a very robust automated crypto synchronization mechanism, which ensures reliable operation. Access control has been built into the equipment based on password protection. A LCD display and a Keypad on the front panel provides interface for configuration, key loading, network selection and status monitoring.
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Secure Data Adaptor (SDA)

Secure Data Adaptor (SDA) is offline encryption decryption equipment used along with PC server. The SDA can be connected to PC server through USB Port. The packet, to be encrypted is sent to SDA through USB port (Clear End) and the corresponding encrypted data packet is received by same or any other PC through USB port (Crypt End). Now this encrypted packetised data can be sent to the desired location via any communication medium Similarly the encrypted packetised data is passed on to the SDA and the corresponding decrypted data packet is received back by same or any other PC server
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2 MBPS Link Encryptor

It is a Bulk Encryption Unit (BEU) to support secure communication in point to point configuration at E1 interface as per ITU-T standard G.703 and V.35 interface. The selection of a particular interface is done through front panel key pad entry. It supports full duplex mode of operation. Designed using state of the art technology viz. FPGA's and Digital Signal Processors.Fully automatic operation with audio and visual alarms for easy maintenance.Indigenously designed high grade encryption algorithm.Media interface based on ITU standard G.703G.704 (E1) (HDB3 interface) & V.35 interface.
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Link Encryptor For Versatile Environment

LIVE is a Bulk Encryption Unit (BEU) to support secure communication for various data rates like 2, 34 Mbps, STM1 (155 Mbps) & STM4 (622 Mbps). The selection of a particular interface is done through front panel key pad entry. The BEU can be used as universal encryptor over satellite link radio linkOFC link & line media. Provide full duplex, synchronous point-to-point encryption for data rates from Nx64 kbps up to STM4.Encryption is for entire bit stream (including header, management bytes).Equipment is protocol transparent
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MFTDMA Encryptor

MFTDMA Encryptor provides high-grade communication security to frame relay networks at access speeds up to 2048 kbps. It incorporates an indigenous high-grade encryption algorithm and a novel user-friendly key management. Its highly agile key generation mechanism allows the secure generation of different encryption keys for each frame.
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CDMA Handset Encryptor

  • Feature High Grade indigenously designed crypto algorithm. Software solution with No Additional Hardware
CDMA ENCRYPTOR is a professional phone encryption software, developed on BREW platform. It protects communication against eavesdropping and interception by encrypting confidential conversation and data using strong encryption algorithms. It is an Encryptor for CDMA Handsets having BREW ver 3.1 or above. It is a software solution ported on the Mobile Handset.selection and status monitoring.
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CDMA Handset Encryptors

CDMA ENCRYPTOR is a professional phone encryption software, developed on BREW platform. It protects communication against eavesdropping and interception by encrypting confidential conversation and data using strong encryption algorithms. It is an Encryptor for CDMA Handsets having BREW ver 3.1 or above. It is a software solution ported on the Mobile Handset.selection and status monitoring.
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Satcom Encryptor

Satcom Encryptor is designed to meet the requirement of providing secure communication channel for voicedataFax in the SCPC DAMA Satcom network MCPC PAMA Satcom network. High Grade indigenously designed crypto algorithm.Full Duplex Synchronous ApplicationPoint to Point security19 Rack Mountable Unit
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STM 1 Bulk Encryption Unit

SDH based multiplexing equipment satisfying ITU-T Rec. G.707.Provides optical Line Interface at 155.520 Mbs as per ITU-T Rec. G.957.Synchronize With incoming STM-1 signal G.783.Robust Key Management scheme.Support for Multiple Algorithms.Provision to upgrade algorithms on field.Provision for secure and emergency erasure of crypto data code keys.Network Management: SNMP v2cPower Supply: Dual Supply 48 Volts DC 230 Volts AC Supply.Mountable in standard 19 Rack with 1U Height.
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STM 16 Bulk Encryption Unit

SDH based equipment complying with ITU-T Rec. G.707Provides optical Line Interface at 2488.32 Mbs as per ITU-T Rec. G.957Synchronize with incoming STM-16 signal as per ITU-T G.783Propriety Key Management scheme. Key loading is done using Child Fill-gunField up-gradation of Algorithm. Algorithm loading is done by Algorithm Loading DeviceProvision for secure and emergency erasure of crypto data code keysDevice Management using SNMP V2cDevice Management using SNMP V2cPower Supply Operation off 48 Volts DC or 230 Volts AC SupplyMountable in standard 19 Rack module height 3U
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IP Encryptor

IP Encryptor is a full duplex encryption unit for deployment on an IP based data communication network providing security of IP packet. Encryption is provided on the Layer 3 of the OSI model.Redundant IP Encryptor UnitStandard RJ45 Ethernet 101001000 Mbps interfaces for input and output.Supports upto 90 Mbps data rate.
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