Our Services
Software Development Service
1 Services availableWe offer the best product range of Bus Stop Installation Services, Janta Food Park Installation Services and ro water purifier installation services.
This concept is based on the model of harnessing the potential of advertisement revenue through bus stops and shelter stations. Every bus station built in towns and cities would be built exclusively by Bharat Ek Kadam group under direct tie up with the governing bodies concerned, be it panchayat, municipality or corporation, under and agreement executed with these governing bodies, as per models relevant under the agreement. Bharat Ek Kadam leases out the bus station, the landed property of which has been taken on leases from the government agency/ local body for a fixed period of time. The excusive advertisement right will be wholly vested in Bharat Ek kadam for the entire period. Bharat Ek Kadam takes responsibility to maintain the bus stations under its own expense for the entire period .
Based on the same smart village concept, smart food park is also about making available various food stalls and eateries, under one roof, so that a variety of food and food products are there for the asking. The public will have the facility and option to taste a variety of the tastiest food of their choice from the different food stalls available. This creates the scenario of a literal food festival which could be venue for major tourist attraction as well which would be a wonderful source of income at all levels.
Ro Water Purifier Installation Services are Available models with water purification capacity per hour :
Combo models :