We manufacture and supply best quality
PU Rollers that are manufactured by employing latest technology. We offer polyurethane covering of our PU Rollers up to 6m in length and 2m in diameter. Our PU Rollers can be custom-molded and are provided to numerous industries such as Steel, Iron, Aluminum, Wood and Textile. We manufacture PU Rollers in various dimensions and thicknesses as per the requirements of clients and the colors of PU can also vary.
Features Of Our PU Rollers - Low rolling resistance
- High load bearing capacity
- Low wear & tear
- Resistant to Oil, Grease & Chemicals
- Strong bonding with various insert materials
- Wide temperature stability (-40oC to 80oC )
- Non-marking
Applicator Rolls Conveyor RollsHold down rollsCoating RollsConverting RollsCalender RollsFeeding RollsPinch rollsIdler rollsLaminating rollsBridle RollsPrinting rollsSnubber rollsSqueegee rolls Scoring rolls Our PU Rollers Are Suited For Friction wheelsRoller skate wheelsStackersManipulatorsFork lift tiresPallet TrucksWagon wheelsSmall bearings Rotators